


  • AIM : To explore the effects of zanthoxylum seed oil ( ZSO ) on mast cells in lung tissue and tryptase in plasma of asthmatic models in guinea pigs and to provide theoretical basis for the treatment of asthma by using ZSO .

    目的:探讨椒目油(ZSO)对豚鼠哮喘模型肺组织中肥大细胞及血浆 蛋白酶的影响,为ZSO治疗哮喘提供理论依据。

  • PAR-2 may be activated by tryptase released from mast cells and participate in the pathogenesis of small intestinal injury as induced by non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs .

    PAR-2可能由肥大细胞分泌的 蛋白酶激活而参与非甾体抗炎药致小肠损伤的发病过程。

  • Identification of tryptase in ovine mast cells

    绵羊肥大细胞中 蛋白酶的证实

  • The Role of Mast Cells and Mast Cell Tryptase in the Pathogenesis of Nasal Polyp

    肥大细胞及其 蛋白酶在鼻息肉发病中的作用

  • Objective To evaluate the use of tryptase in diagnosing allergic diseases .

    目的评价 蛋白酶tryptase测定在过敏性疾病诊断中的应用。

  • Moreover pertussis toxin was able to inhibit spontaneous tryptase release from colon mast cells .

    百日咳毒素还能够减少自发性 蛋白酶释放。

  • The over Expression of Mast Cell Tryptase in Keloids

    肥大细胞 蛋白酶在瘢痕疙瘩中的定位和表达

  • AIM : To investigate the effect of tryptase inhibitors ( TPIs ) on histamine release from human colon mast cells .

    目的:研究 蛋白酶抑制剂(TPI)对人大肠肥大细胞释放组胺的影响。

  • Determination of Correlation between Tryptase IL-29 and Esophageal Carcinoma by Double Labeling Immunohistochemical Technique

    应用双重免疫组化技术研究 tryptase和IL-29与食管癌的相关性

  • This shows that tryptase may plays a certain role in AML angiogenesis which may be related to VEGF .

    这说明 tryptase可能在AML血管新生中起着一定的作用,这种作用可能与VEGF有关, 目前 国内 未见相关 报道

  • Effect of leupeptin TLCK and lactoferrin on tryptase release from human colon mast cells

    亮肽素、TLCK和乳铁蛋白对人结肠肥大细胞 蛋白酶释放的影响

  • Calcium ionophore induced histamine and tryptase release from human mast cells

    实电解质钙可诱发人肥大细胞组胺和 蛋白酶分泌

  • Effect of protease inhibitors on the secretion of tryptase from mast cells

    蛋白酶抑制剂对肥大细胞 蛋白酶分泌的影响

  • The differences in release of tryptase and histamine from skin and tonsil mast cells suggest a novel type of mast cell heterogeneity in response to stimulation and indicate that there might be at least two self-amplification mechanisms of degranulation in human mast cells .

    皮肤和扁桃体肥大细胞释放 蛋白酶和组胺的差别揭示了一种新的肥大细胞对刺激产生反应的异质性的类型,提示人类肥大细胞至少有2种脱颗粒信号的自我放大机制。

  • Tryptase and trypsin but not thrombin and elastase induced significant lactoferrin and IL-8 secretion from neutrophils .


  • Relationship between Expression of tryptase and chymase and Clinicopathological characteristics in Esophageal Carcinoma


  • Investigation on the relationship among histamine tryptase and β - hexosaminidase in the process of mast cell degranulation

    组胺、 蛋白酶、β-己糖胺酶在肥大细胞体外释放过程中的相互关系

  • Mast cell tryptase and asthma

    肥大细胞 蛋白酶与支气管哮喘

  • Tryptic enzymes such as tryptase trypsin and thrombin have been reported to be able to alter neutrophil behavior .


  • Effect of a proteinase-activated receptor-2 ( PAR-2 ) agonist on tryptase release from human mast cells

    蛋白酶激活受体2(PAR-2)激动剂对肥大细胞释放 蛋白酶的影响

  • Effect of tryptase inhibitors on histamine release from human colon mast cells


  • The activities and number of mast cell ( MC ) in colonic mucosa are significantly increased both in experimental colitis and UC patients .

    实验性溃疡性结肠炎和人溃疡性结肠炎肠粘膜内肥大细胞(mastcell,MC)的活性和数量显著增多,其中类胰蛋白酶( tryptase)是其活化和释放颗粒的特异性标志。

  • Detection and correlation of tryptase IL-8 eotaxin and chymase activity in plasma of patients with asthma

    哮喘患者血浆 蛋白酶、IL-8和嗜酸性粒细胞趋化因子水平与类糜蛋白酶活性测定及相关性分析

  • PAR-2 is the cell surface receptors of tryptase activated by tryptase and then mediating transmembrane signal transduction .

    PAR-2是 tryptase的细胞表面受体,被tryptase酶切裂解后可介导跨膜信号转导,将细胞外的信号传递到细胞内。

  • Effect of ganoderma spores on incubation period of asthma and mast cell tryptase in bronchial asthmatic guinea pigs

    灵芝孢子对支气管哮喘豚鼠引喘潜伏期及 蛋白酶 释放的影响

  • Enzyme histochemical analysis of tryptase containing mast cells in six species of animals

    六种动物含 蛋白酶肥大细胞的酶组化分析

  • Expression of Tryptase and Chymase in Human Lung Tissue of Anaphylactic Shock

    过敏性休克死亡者肺组织 蛋白酶及类糜蛋白酶的表达