tubal pregnancy

[ˈtubəl ˈprɛɡnənsi][ˈtju:bl ˈpreɡnənsi]


  • Treatment of unruptured tubal pregnancy by interventional tubal catheterization

    未破裂 输卵 妊娠的非血管介入治疗

  • Comparative Study on Curative Effects of Laparoscopic Surgery and Open Surgery on Tubal Pregnancy Contrast Analysis of Two Laparoscopic Surgical Treatments for Tubal Pregnancy

    腹腔镜手术与开腹手术对治疗 输卵妊娠的疗效比较输卵管妊娠腹腔镜两种术式对照分析

  • The Value of Conservative Operative Laparoscopy in Curing Tubal Pregnancy of 62 Patients Effects of Laparoscopic Management for Hydrosalpinx on Ovarian Reserve

    腹腔镜下取胚术治疗 输卵 妊娠62例输卵管积水腹腔镜下不同手术方式对卵巢储备功能影响的研究

  • Clinical Analysis of Laparoscopic Operation for 36 Patients with Interstitial Tubal Pregnancy

    腹腔镜手术治疗 输卵 间质 妊娠36例临床分析

  • Influence of laparoscopic conservative therapy for tubal pregnancy on tubal patent degree

    腹腔镜保守性手术治疗 输卵 妊娠对患侧输卵管通畅度的影响

  • Clinical analysis of TCM and WM combination therapy on 42 cases of unruptured tubal pregnancy

    中西医结合治疗未破裂 输卵 妊娠42例临床分析

  • Objective To study the diagnostic value of cornual pregnancy and tubal pregnancy with ultrasound .

    目的探讨超声对宫角 妊娠与间质部妊娠诊断价值。

  • And accounts for95 % by the tubal pregnancy next for abdominal cavity extra-uterine pregnancy .

    其中以 输卵 妊娠占95%,其次为腹腔宫外孕。

  • Comparative Observation of Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine Treatment for Unruptured Tubal Pregnancy

    中药治疗与西药治疗非破裂型 输卵 妊娠的对比观察

  • To investigate the relative factors of recurrent ectopic pregnancy ( REP ) after conservative surgical treatment of tubal pregnancy .

    目的分析引起重复异位妊娠的相关因素,探讨重复 异位 妊娠的治疗及预防措施。

  • Contrast Analysis of Two Laparoscopic Surgical Treatments for Tubal Pregnancy

    输卵 妊娠腹腔镜两种术式对照分析

  • A Meta-analysis correlation of Cytomegalovirus infection with tubal pregnancy

    巨细胞病毒感染与 输卵 妊娠关系的Meta分析

  • Laparoscopic Treatment for Interstitial Tubal Pregnancy : a Simple Quick and Safe Method

    输卵 间质 妊娠的腹腔镜手术方法探讨&介绍一种简易、快速、安全的 结扎切除法

  • Clinical observation of achievement ratio in laparoscopic local injection of drug and laparoscopic conservative surgery for tubal pregnancy

    输卵 妊娠腹腔镜下药物局部注射治疗和腹腔镜保守手术治疗成功率的临床观察

  • Clinical Study of Tubal Pregnancy with Shock Treated by Laparoscopic Surgery

    腹腔镜治疗 输卵 妊娠失血性休克的临床应用

  • The Clinical analysis of fallopian tubal patency after the conservative treatment of tubal pregnancy

    输卵 妊娠保守治疗后输卵管通畅情况的临床分析

  • Clinical value of transvaginal ultrasound monitoring in medication therapy of tubal pregnancy

    阴式B超监测在 输卵 妊娠药物治疗中的临床价值

  • Comparison of the effect of different surgical methods in the treatment of tubal pregnancy by conservative therapy via laparoscope

    腹腔镜下保守治疗 输卵 妊娠不同手术方式效果观察

  • Multi-factorial analysis of repeated ectopic pregnancy after surgical treatment of tubal pregnancy

    影响 输卵 妊娠手术后重复异位妊娠发生的多因素分析

  • Effects of laparoscopic salpingectomy and abdominal salpingectomy on immune function in patients with tubal pregnancy

    腹腔镜与开腹输卵管切除手术对 输卵 妊娠患者机体免疫功能的影响

  • The Clinical Analysis of the 48 cases in Conservative Operation of Tubal pregnancy Under the Celioscope

    腹腔镜下 输卵 妊娠保守性手术治疗48例

  • Objective : To study the importance of conser operations for tubal pregnancy in ectopic pregnancy .

    前言:目的:探讨保留 输卵 手术在异位妊娠要求保留生育能力患者治疗中的重要性。

  • Clinical analysis of laparoscopic conservative operation for tubal pregnancy in 45 cases

    输卵 妊娠腹腔镜保守手术45例临床分析

  • Study on the relationship between serum creatine kinase level and pathological types of tubal pregnancy

    血清肌酸激酶水平与 输卵 妊娠病理类型的关系

  • Perioperative nursing care in the treatment of 56 patients with early fallopian tubal pregnancy by trans-uterine artery embolization

    早期 输卵 妊娠行子宫动脉栓塞介入治疗56例围术期护理

  • Clinical analysis of tubal pregnancy operation by laparoscopy in 160 cases

    腹腔镜手术治疗 输卵 妊娠160例临床分析

  • Effect of different surgical pathway and methods of oviduct on reproductive outcome after tubal pregnancy

    不同手术途径及方法对 输卵 妊娠术后生育结局的影响

  • Effect Analysis of Local Injection of Methotrexate to Prevent Persistent Ectopic Pregnancy during the Conservative Surgery of Tubal Pregnancy

    术中局部注射甲氨蝶呤预防 输卵 妊娠术后持续性异位妊娠的效果分析 输卵 妊娠手术方式对于术后妊娠的的影响