tube tester

[tub ˈtɛstɚ][tju:b ˈtestə]


  • The mounting method of the laser tube and the adjusting method of the Tester on-line are also introduced in detail in this paper .

    文中详细叙述了激光 的安装方法和 联机调试方法。

  • In addition as a complex high-press system the failure of hydraulic tube tester will not only seriously affect the safety of process operation but also result in huge loss of personnel and wealth .

    此外,由于 水压 试验 是一个复杂的高压系统,该类系统一旦发生事故,不仅会影响生产的可靠运行还可能会造成人员和财产的巨大损失。

  • They come from silicone tube which act as tester damper here .

    他们来自硅 胶管,其中作为 测试阻尼器在这里。

  • A tube dynamic scaling simulation tester is used to conduct dynamic scaling simulation testing on produced water laboratory treating water field treating water and mixed water .

    采用 盘管 动态结垢模拟 试验 对中原油田文二联地区产出水、室内处理水、现场处理水以及混配水进行了动态结垢模拟试验。

  • Research and Development of Cesium Beam Tube Tester

    铯束 测试 研制

  • Focusing on the common faults of hydraulic tube tester a method has been developed based on pressure waveform information to discriminate different fault types . Moreover a ' zooming ' knowledge acquisition method is proposed based on the subtractive clustering algorithm in the expert system .

    针对 水压 试验 常见故障特点,提出了基于打压波形信息的故障类别诊断专家系统方法,并针对其中的专家系统提出基于减聚类的变焦知识获取方法。

  • A New Discharge Tube Impulse Current Tester

    一种新型放电 脉冲电流 试验

  • Rubber vulcanized Test method of heat and oxygen Tube tester ageing method


  • The life of laser tube in Laser Roughness Tester type CU-0013 is about 2 years generally so that the laser tube must be replaced and the Tester would be adjusted on-line every 2 years .

    CU-0013型激光粗糙度 中的激光 寿命一般只有两年左右,因此该仪器每两年左右需更换激光管,并重新联机调试。