yield point

[jild pɔɪnt][ji:ld pɔint]


  • Isotropic steel sheet with low Δ r and low earing index was taken to study the effect of temper-rolling on the yield point elongation r value and Δ r.

    以Δr和制耳指数较低的各向同性钢为研究对象,探讨了平整对各向同性钢板 屈服延伸、r值及Δr的影响规律。

  • A yield point is included in the load-displacement curves of middle cross section of the composite truss .

    桁架中截面载荷-位移曲线的 屈服 可用于表征桁架的结构刚度和 屈服载荷。

  • The primary methods for controlling thread tightening consist of torque application torque-angle rotation and yield point .

    用于控制螺纹拧紧的方法主要有扭矩法,扭矩&转角法, 屈服 法三种。

  • When the stress reaches the yield point a large increase in strain occurs with no increase in stress .

    当应力达到 屈服 ,应变会急剧增大而应力保持不变。

  • Lower stress sensitivity and lower yield point temperature were found after cold hardening .

    发现胁强敏感度和 屈服 温度受冷锻炼影响而下降,时间敏感度未表现明显变化。

  • It was observed that the lower yield point was subject to a greater degree of scatter than that of the upper yield point .

    业已观察到下 屈服 比上屈服点易产生更大的散布度。

  • The yield point quality grade and deoxidation are used to express the brands of steels which reflects the features of engineering structural steels . The new standards are also favorable for technical exchange internationally for China 's products to enter international market .

    钢的牌号表示方法改为用 屈服 、质量等级、脱氧程度表示,反映了工程结构钢的特点,便于使用选材.新标准与国际接轨,便于与国际进行技术交流和我国产品进入国际市场。

  • Lacking stiffness and giving way to pressure . elastic limit Yeung 's module of elasticity to yield point

    缺少硬度而且容易向压力屈服。弹性限度、阳氏弹性系数及 屈服

  • Relationship between advancement in age and Casson viscosity and Casson yield point stress

    年龄与Casson粘度和 Casson 屈服 的关系

  • Properties of Low Yield Point Steels Used for Earthquake Resistant Buildings

    建筑抗震阻尼器用低 屈服强度钢的性能

  • The stress strain curves displayed the characteristics of low yield point continuous yield and no obvious yield point .

    结果表明:其应力&应变曲线表现出 屈服 低、连续屈服、没有明显的屈服点等特性;

  • Besides the dynamic yield point history of materials during impact is discussed based upon Taylor 's momentum model .

    在Taylor模型基础上,讨论了在加载过程中材料动 屈服时间的变化历史。

  • Manufacture and Application of Low Yield Point Steel Used For Earthquake Resistant

    建筑抗震用低 屈服 钢厚板的生产与应用

  • Comparing composite materials configuration of the drilling fluid with the slurry the yield point and viscosity were decreased significantly .

    复合材料配置的钻井液与基浆相比, 切力和黏度明显的降低。

  • Although there is no yield point one needs to be defined .

    虽然没有 屈服 ,我们必须明确。

  • Beyond the yield point the material will continue to deform but with less stress than before because the material has begun to yield .

    超过 屈服 之后,材料会继续变形,但是因为材料开始屈服,应力会减小。

  • The straight-line portion of the diagram up to almost the yield point is known as the elastic region of the diagram .

    从图表中的直线开始上升一直到 屈服 极限 是弹性变形区域。

  • The lower yield point and Luders band disappear when the hydrogen content exceeds 18.7cm ~ 3 / 100g .

    在氢含量高于18.7cm~3/100g以上时,下 屈服 和Lüders带消失。

  • Meanwhile parameter p ( the ratio of yield process ) parameter ε ( ductile interval coefficient ) and imaginary yield point elongation are presented and applied in engineering design .

    同时,提出了屈服过程比P,延性区间系数着,以及假想 屈服平台的概念,并且尝试应用于工程设计中。

  • When the material does not display a yield point a quantity known as the proof stress is used when making design calculations .

    当材料不显示 屈服 时,在进行设计计算中,往往使用所谓弹性极限这一数值。

  • The conventional photoelastic modes and procedures suffice to indicate whether or not the yield point of the material of the prototype will be exceeded .

    常用的光弹性模型和方法能够指明原型材料的 屈服 是否将被超过。

  • The vascular bundle fracture was brittle fracture ; there was no obvious yield point and plastic deformation .

    毛竹维管束的断裂属于脆性断裂,没有明显的 屈服 和塑性变形。

  • Cause analysis of unobvious yield point of low carbon steel hot-rolled wire rod

    低碳钢热轧盘条 屈服 不明显的原因分析

  • The yield point and apparent viscosity of this suspension sharply increase with the temperature .

    屈服 、表观粘度均随温度升高而剧增。

  • The chemical components and microstructure are analyzed for the hot-rolled reinforced bar of which the yield point is not so clear some measures proposed .

    对存在 屈服 不明显问题的热轧带肋钢筋的化学成分和组织进行了分析,提出了改进措施。

  • The yield point represents the dividing line or transition from the elastic to the plastic region of the curve .

    屈服 是弹性变形区域到塑性变形区域之间曲线的过渡点。

  • The main factors effecting on reliability of bolted joints the conditions of increasing the reliability of tightening method up to the yield point and the scope of application are proposed by the authors .

    文中还提出了影响螺栓连接可靠性的主要因素以及提高 屈服 拧紧法可靠度的条件与使用范围。

  • For the structure system without obvious yield point Δ Y we determine its ductile coefficient by adopting the method of simulation yield process .

    对于没有明显 屈服 ΔY的结构体系(或材料),可以采用模拟屈服过程法确定其延性系数。

  • Elastic limit Yeung 's module of elasticity to yield point

    弹性限度、阳氏弹性系数及 屈服