yours truly

[jʊrz ˈtruli][jɔ:z ˈtru:li]


  • While most of us including yours truly are as distant from that harvest as we are to the steers that supplied the nice rib eye we seared last night .

    然而我们大多数品酒的人,包括 你们也一样,都生活在远离葡萄收成的地方,正如我们昨晚烤的那块美味的牛里脊肉,是来自在遥远的他乡饲养的牛一样。

  • DISCLOSURE MAY ACTUALLY HAPPEN We captured video from this unique event including an interview with him by yours truly & and this footage should be released very shortly .

    披露可能发生的事实,我们捕捉到这独一无二的活动,其中包括一支由 采访他 真正的视频-这画面应该很快被释放。

  • I would be very grateful if you could see me . yours . truly Desmond burtoncox .

    如果你能来看我,我将不胜感激。 的忠实的 德斯蒙德伯顿考克斯。

  • Look forward to receiving your immediate reply we are yours very truly .


  • Yours truly Phil Turner .


  • Not that a number of observers haven 't been on to them for a few years now including yours truly .

    包括 在内,在 过去几年中,已经有人注意到这个问题了。

  • But yours truly will not be there .


  • Yours truly was awoken by a shout : ' Ahoy there ! '


  • Most people yours truly included thought the deal was idiotic from the very day it was announced evoking that old chestnut two drunks leaning on each other to stay upright .

    大多数人很可能也包括阁下从该交易 公之于众的第一天起就觉得它 愚不可及,让人想起那句老话“两个醉鬼靠在一起互相支撑。”

  • Consider the case of yours truly .

    请考虑一下 鄙人的情况。

  • Such an intelligent scriptural and experimental belief in the Trinity in Unity is yours if you truly know God ;


  • May your times ahead blossom with the progression of the new you each day and may you and yours be blessed with a Year that will truly bloom with Happy and New !

    愿你今后的时间可以在全新的你每天前进的脚步中绚烂,愿你及 在这一“年”中享有的福气可以 真正绽放出“新意”和“快乐”!

  • One person very relieved about not playing was yours truly who needed time to collect her wits and write this article .

    其实不用 玩牌反而松了口气,因为 需要静下心来写这篇文章。

  • Yours truly has never worked out of an office added the bearded boss of the Virgin Group and never will .

    在下可从没在办公室工作过,维珍集团( VirginGroup)的这位大胡子老总补充道,而且永远不会。

  • Winner gets a date with yours truly ?

    获胜者就能和 你们约会 吗?

  • On one hand this is all good news because it means job security for yours truly .

    一方面,这是好消息,因为这 意味 工作安全性。

  • Yours Truly I dont like this .

    Yours Truly我不喜欢这个。

  • Almost exactly a year ago Grande released her debut album Yours Truly .

    一年前, 格兰德发布了首张专辑《 挚爱》。

  • It won 't be until they have their own relationships as adults that they will look upon yours with new eyes suddenly realize how unhappy you truly were and feel grief for all you gave up .

    直到他们有了自己的婚姻,他们才会重新用新的眼光来审视 你们的婚姻,才会突然认识到你们多么不幸, 才会为你们因为凑合在一起而放弃的一切感到痛心。

  • I do not expect a war between my country and yours . Truly I do not .

    我不希望 我两国之间爆发战争。 的不希望。

  • But as of this week I see him as an inspiration a role model worthy of emulation by the likes of yours truly .

    不过,到了上周,我觉得他 能够启发 的灵感,可以作为榜样,值得那些 了不起的人 效仿