


  • I 'll have to cough up $ 10 a year for tuition

    我每年将不得不付1万美元的 学费

  • The student of colleges and universities should pay tuition and accommodation fee .

    高等学校的学生应交纳 学费和住宿费。

  • Optional extras include cooking tuition at a top restaurant

    可选的额外项目包括在顶级餐厅 学习 厨艺

  • My father can afford my tuition fee .

    我父亲可以为我付 学费

  • I know your husband paid tuition in advance for a year .

    我知道你先生预付了一年份的 学费

  • No tuition was charged by the school which solicited contributions from the society 's members .

    学校不收 学费,所需资金向协会会员募集。

  • Your father paid your tuition .

    你爸帮你付了 学费

  • Does new tuition policy keep students ?

    新的 收费政策把学生拒之门外了吗?

  • Is this money enough for the tuition fee ?

    这些钱 学费够吗?

  • This is my registration certificate and this is the tuition payment receipt .

    这是我的注册证明,这是 学费缴付收据。

  • Who will support your study and pay the tuition fee ?

    谁会支助你的学业以及支付你的 学费的?

  • His parents were beginning to groan about the price of college tuition .

    他的父母开始抱怨大学的 学费太贵。

  • Angela 's $ 7 tuition at University this year will be paid for with scholarships .

    安杰拉将用奖学金支付今年7美元的大学 学费

  • Annual costs tuition and fees £ 6

    每年的花销、 学费和各项杂费6英镑。

  • My tuition fee and money for living !

    我的 学费和生活费!

  • How did he pay for his rent and his tuition ?

    那他怎么付租金和 学费

  • My uncle will pay my tuition and also provide for my living expenses .

    我的伯父将支付我的 学费并提供我的生活费。

  • Can you tell me if my tuition fees for this semester have been approved ?

    你能告诉我这学期的 教学费已经支付了么。

  • He economized on food and clothing to save for his tuition .

    他省吃俭用,积攒 学费

  • Students with high marks can enjoy a partial or total tuition waiver .

    成绩好的学生可以减免 学费

  • Students pay their tuition fees and living costs from income earned through the work-study program .

    学生用勤工俭学的收入缴纳 学习费用和生活费用。

  • The courses will give the beginner personal tuition in all types of outdoor photography .

    该课程将为初学者一对一地 讲授各种户外摄影技巧。

  • That is my retirement my kid 's tuition .

    那是我的退休金,我孩子的 学费

  • All my living expenses and tuition will be covered by the state .

    我的所有生活费用和 学费将由国家支付。

  • My tuition my allowance they were all cut off !

    我的 学费、补助,全都断了!

  • I would also like to request a tuition refundhope I am not too late to receive the full reimbursement .

    我还想请求退还 学费,而且希望我不至于太晚了,没法全额偿还了。

  • I have no income and I have to pay my tuition . I am the poorest of the poor .

    我没有收入来付我的 学费,我是穷人里面最穷的。

  • The yearly tuition didn 't stop at $ 10 it has almost reached $ 20 !

    一年的 学费岂止一万,已经快两万了。

  • Room and board is included in the tuition fees .

    住宿和伙食包括在 学费里。