yellow alert

[ˈjɛlo əˈlɚt][ˈjeləu əˈlə:t]


  • Studies on the yellow alert system of sustainable development of Nanjing City

    南京市可持续发展 预警系统初探

  • For the time being in the interest of national safety we are declaring a state of yellow alert .

    目前为了国家安全起见,我们宣布全国处于 空袭预备 警报状态。

  • The National Meteorological Center issued a yellow alert on Wednesday morning for heavy rain across parts of China .

    国家气象中心周三早上向中国部分地区发布 黄色 警报

  • The management of the Yellow River is through the flood regulation flood prediction and alert . Early Warning and Forecast System for Water Regime of Tailings Dam

    黄河治理通过调度洪水防汛指挥、洪水预报和 预警系统,不断地与洪水搏斗。尾矿库水情预警预报系统

  • The crocodile Florida soft-shelled turtle in natural waters of China 's Yellow River basin were found it was a dangerous and highly alert signal .

    在我国 黄河中游流域自然水域中已发现了鳄龟、佛罗里达鳖,这是一个危险且值得高度 警惕的信号。

  • Clicking a yellow ( warning ) or red ( critical ) icon opens the associated alert detail and enables drill-down to the detailed dashboard .

    单击 黄色(警告)或者红色(严重)图标可展示相关 警报的细节信息,并可深入到细节指示板。

  • The results show that present ecological security in Qusum county is in a yellow alert state eco-environmental problems become the main limiting factors for the local economic development .

    结果表明,当前曲松县生态安全状况处于 预警状态,生态环境问题已成为制约当地经济发展和社会进步的主要因素。

  • The National Meteorological Center on Monday expanded its yellow heat alert to include 16 provinces autonomous regions and municipalities .

    本周一,国家气象中心将16个省区市的的高温 警报提升至 黄色 级别

  • The yellow and red line on the chart above represents the alert thresholds .

    图中, 黄色和红色的线条表示 警戒阈值。

  • Once the chart creeps above the yellow line for at least the minimum amount of time as specified by the alert the metric reaches the warning state .

    一旦图形超过 线的次数超过预设的最小 警戒次数时,则测量结果到达“警告”状态。

  • The National Meteorological Center ( NMC ) expanded its yellow alert for high temperatures to include North China on Sunday the NMC said on its website .

    国家气象中心已对包括北方在内的地区发出最高温 黄色 警报