yellow pages


  • He had neglected to ask his consulting colleagues WHY none of them had ads in the Yellow Pages .

    他没有想过去问一下那些咨询顾问的同事为什么他们没有在 黄页上打广告。

  • In 1995 he set up the China Yellow Pages an online directory for Chinese businesses .

    1995年,他创办了面向中国企业的在线名录&中国黄页(China Yellow Pages)。

  • This registry is similar in concept to the Yellow Pages where interested parties can look you up and obtain your WSDL description to discover how to integrate with you .

    该注册中心从概念上说类似于黄页( Yellow Pages),对此感兴趣的人可以从注册中心查找到您,并获得您的WSDL描述以发现如何与您进行集成。

  • I see yellow pages every evening .

    每晚分类 广告

  • This is one of the best ads I 've seen in the Yellow pages .

    这是我在 黄页 分类中看到的最好的广告之一。

  • In eastern Europe the Yellow Pages telephone directory is called the Golden Pages to connote an image of quality .

    在东欧国家,“ 黄页”电话号码薄被称为“金页”,这传达给了顾客高质量的品牌形象。

  • You can find listings of guest houses in the yellow pages of the telephone book .

    你可以在电话簿的 黄页 分类 广告上,找到寄宿旅社的名单。

  • Businesses and professional services are listed in a special classified directory-the Yellow Pages .


  • Businesses should include their Universal Addresses as part of addresses on their business cards advertisements and yellow pages so that their customers can find them easily .

    企业应该包括他们普遍地址的一部分地址,对他们的名片,广告 黄页,使他们的客户可以找到他们很容易。

  • A directory is an electronic Yellow Pages .

    目录像一本电子的 电话 黄页 簿

  • An alternative is that my digital secretary asks for references to yellow pages and weather forecast covering a given geospatial area .

    另一个做法是我的数字助理询问引用到的 黄页和气象预测给定的地理区域。

  • You can learn much about the city and what it has to offer by looking through the yellow pages for example under the headings of schools repairs or special foods .

    你看“ 黄页 电话 簿”,例如在“学校”,“修理”或“特别食品”项下,对这个城市的情况以及所能提供的,就能有更多的认识。

  • Put an ad in your local yellow pages to get some local customers .

    在本地的 黄页 簿 或者 黄页 站点上发布自己的 信息来得到一些老客户。

  • Information about other sports can be found in the newspapers or frequently in the yellow pages of the telephone book .

    有关其他运动的资料,可以从报纸或电话簿 黄页部分找到。

  • Paul : let 's order pizza ! We can find a good pizza place in the Yellow pages !

    保罗:我们叫披萨吧! 黄页 分类 广告上可以找到很棒的披萨店呢!

  • The local yellow pages which is about two years old lists 50 companies that make jelly-based sweets - and that is just the officially registered ones .

    在大约两年前印刷的当地 黄页上,列出了50家制造以果冻为主的糖果企业而这只是在官方登记注册的企业。

  • They keep their Yellow Pages tomes nearby .

    他们把他们的 黄页 电话簿册留在附近。

  • However if we are abroad then it must find local yellow pages for restaurants .

    然而,如果我们在海外,那么它必须从本地的 黄页上找餐厅。

  • The service includes broad search capabilities as well as shopping information and local Yellow Pages information the company said in a statement .

    该公司在发言中表示新服务包括搜索功能和购物信息、本地 黄页信息。

  • I can find travel agent in the yellow pages .

    我可以在 黄页 上找到旅行社代理。

  • If none of these are available try the yellow pages of the phone book .

    假如所有这些都行不通的话,你还可以去查阅电话簿的 黄页

  • Yellow pages : Information that categorizes businesses .


  • First under the Yellow Pages model of advertising known as search advertisers are relieved of the burden of addressing those who are not interested in buying their product .

    首先,在被称为“搜索”的 黄页广告模式下,广告商摆脱了向那些对购买其产品不感兴趣的顾客兜售的负担。

  • Industry groups and service brokers could publish comprehensive white pages and yellow pages of on-line XML services allowing developers to make quick technological assessments and comparisons .

    产业团体和服务经纪公司都可以发布全面的联机XML服务白皮书和 黄皮书,允许开发人员迅速做出技术评估和比较。

  • Phone books have white blue and yellow pages .

    电话电话簿有白页、蓝 黄页

  • They cannot be bothered to read a newspaper never buy CDs or use yellow pages directories and generally try to avoid paying for anything other than concerts and cinema tickets .

    他们懒得读报纸、从不买CD或使用 黄页指南,除了音乐会和电影票,他们一般会尽量不为其他任何东西付钱。

  • The result is like electronic yellow pages for discovering the services you need to build SOA applications .

    发现用于构建SOA应用程序的服务,其结果就象电子 黄页一样。

  • Till then specialized operation and management system of China telecom 's Yellow Pages business had been basically established .

    至此,中国电信 黄页业务专业化经营管理体系基本建立。

  • Go to the first motellisted in the Yellow pages .


  • Browse the web directories and yellow pages to find mobility equipment dealers .

    浏览 网页目录和 电话 本能找到移动设备经销商。