

vt.& vi.快而有力地拉,急拉[俚语] 突然地移动


  • Speak up in the balcony you who would yank out the organs . Why ?

    大声说出来吧。你是不会 出器官的人。为什么?

  • Every time I hung my wash out on the clothesline she would yank it dawn .

    每次,我把洗好的衣物挂在晾衣绳上,它就会 猛地 衣物都 下来。

  • As for the yank he 's too modest to tell you .

    作为个 美国 ,他太谦虚了 如果 告诉你。

  • While you 're there could you yank the plug out for me please .

    既然你就在那里,请帮我 插头 下来

  • After a swift yank I place the hair in a plastic bag and stuff it in a bookshelf in my office .

    经过飞快的一 ,我就把根黑发装进了塑料袋,放到了我办公室的书架上。

  • I held the door open with my shoulder and grabbed one . With a quick Yank I pulled it free from its bondage . Another one immediately took its place .

    我用肩膀抵着门,抓着一 猛地 一拉,就把它从束缚中救出来了,而另一 马上占据了它的位置。

  • I 'll bet you want someone smooth like the yank .

    我敢说你想找个斯文人,就像那个 美国人

  • They would hear my accent and say . so you 're the yank .


  • If you have to yank the skirt down when rising from your seat you 're likely distracting yourself and others .

    如果你的裙子在你从座位上起身时必须得 往下 一下,那就可能会让自己和同事分心。

  • The dentist is going to yank this tooth out .

    牙医将 拔掉这只牙。

  • The problem with yank and crank trainers is the dogs seldom like their handlers .

    这类人遇到的问题是他们的 狗儿很少喜欢主人。

  • We do not find the term Canuck derogatory like Americans find Yank derogatory .

    我们并不觉得“加拿大 ”是个侮辱性的字眼,不想你们对“美国佬”那么敏感。

  • Upon waking up my16-year old brother thought it would be hilarious to yank out my leg hairs .

    我醒来了以后,就看到了我那个“ 的腿毛真TMD好玩啊”的16岁弟弟。

  • In the past if you had a problem with your teeth the dentist would just yank them out .

    过去,如果你牙齿出了问题,牙医就简单地 拔掉

  • So he 's a yank and an undercover journo .

    那么他是一个 美国 ,还是一个秘密记者。

  • My system would freeze tight and I 'd have to crawl under my desk and yank the power cord .

    如果 其他 浏览器,有时我的系统会莫名其妙的 那里得我不得不爬到桌子底下 拔掉电源线。

  • Can be explained by a hard yank from a full-grown man .

    从一个成年人用力 拉扯才可以解释得通。

  • He tried to yank his mind back out of fantasy .

    他试图 思绪从想入非非的 幻梦中拉回。

  • You want me to yank his ass ?


  • Now I give it a nice firm yank .

    现在我要来个漂亮的 抽取

  • She yanked the child back into the house

    使劲 那个孩子 回了房子里。

  • A quick-thinking ticket inspector yanked an emergency cord .

    一个反应迅速的查票员 猛地拉下了紧急刹车索。

  • Trust the yank too much .

    太信任那个 美国 了。

  • Let 's yank her Mars positioning system now .

    让我们 她的火星定位系统。

  • You 're gonna get it now you little yank !

    你该 觉悟了,你个小 美国

  • She yanked open the drawer

    猛地 拉开 抽屉。

  • He yanked a handkerchief out of his pocket

    他从口袋里 一条手帕。

  • Don 't yank at the rope . children it might break .

    用力 绳,孩子们,它可能会断的。

  • How come you can work over here if you 're a yank ?

    如果你是 美国人,怎会到此 开业