tunnel through

[ˈtʌnəl θru][ˈtʌnəl θru:]


  • It offers a set of systematic new methods for researching and measuring the recent tectonic stress field in the area of tunnel through mountain in the future .

    为未来 越岭 隧道地区现代构造应力场的研究和测量提供了一套较为系统的新方法。

  • As the main diversion tunnel through the rock mass of marble carried out under different loading rates different construction conditions Jinping marble of acoustic emission testing .

    以引水 隧洞主要 穿越岩石大理岩为研究对象,开展了不同加载速率下,不同施工条件的锦屏大理岩声发射试验研究。

  • They holed a tunnel through the mountains .

    他们开凿了一条 隧道 穿过大山。

  • Application of the grouting and reinforce technology for stopping water on tunnel through the large fault

    巷道 断层注浆加固堵水技术的应用

  • While building a tunnel through the mountain the workers discovered an underground lake .

    当工人们在修建一个 穿过山的 隧道时,他们发现了一个地下湖。

  • As countless films and written accounts remind us the strongest outer defenses imaginable can be subverted by a prisoner determined enough to tunnel through to the outside world .

    无数的电影和文学作品一再提醒我们,最坚固的外围防范措施都能被具有足够决心的狱囚 通过 隧道而被 冲破

  • They are excavating a tunnel through the hill .

    他们在挖一条 穿山 隧道

  • Guarded railway crossing a tunnel through which the railroad track runs .

    有防护装置的铁路道口一种铁路 穿过 隧道

  • Here 's a five-step process to help your conscious mind tunnel through the walls of denial .

    下面的五个步骤可以帮助你意识思维 穿过层层”否认“墙。

  • Secure Shell ( SSH ) is a rich subsystem used to log in to remote systems copy files and tunnel through firewalls & securely .

    SecureShell(SSH)是一个功能强大的子系统,用于安全地登录到远程系统、复制文件并 穿越防火墙。

  • They drove a tunnel through a hill .

    他们 通过小山挖一 隧道

  • This paper studies the quantity and distribution pattern of the surrounding rock pressure undertaken by the composite lining and discusses the reasonable construction method and supporting structure of large cross sectional tunnel through weak surrounding rock .

    本文研究复合式衬砌承受围岩压力的大小和分布规律,并探讨大断面 隧道 通过软弱围岩的合理施工方法及支护结构。

  • The Application Research of Micro-settlement Control Technology in Underpinning Engineering of Tunnel Through the Existing Subway Line

    隧道 穿越既有线托换施工中的微沉降控制技术应用研究

  • They bored a tunnel through the hill with many tons of dynamite .

    他们用好多吨的炸药开凿出&条 穿山 隧道

  • They are digging a tunnel through the hill .

    他们正在挖一条 贯通这座山的 隧道

  • I had thought it 'd take a man600 years to tunnel through the wall with it .

    我曾认为用手槌要六百年才能掘 隧道

  • Study on the Conditions and Hazard Prediction of Rockburst on the Deep-Buried Overlong Tunnel Through Niba Mountains

    泥巴山超长深埋 隧道岩爆形成条件及危险性预测研究

  • They drove a tunnel through the rock .

    他们凿通一条 穿过岩石的 隧道

  • A tunnel through which the railroad track runs . Cattle are hauled by rail .

    一种铁路 穿过 隧道。牲畜是通过铁路运输的。

  • Can dragons tunnel through rock like the firewyrms of old Valyria ?

    龙能像 古瓦雷利亚的火龙一样在岩石里钻洞?

  • They are digging a tunnel through the mountain for the new railway .

    他们在为新铁路开凿一条 通山 隧道

  • A wormhole is a tunnel through the structure of space and most are created by alien life

    虫洞是一种 通过时空 隧道的结构,而且大多数是由外星生命创造

  • Comprehensive Treatment Measures for the Section of the Xiapu Tunnel Through F1 Watery Broken Fault

    霞浦 隧道 穿过富水破碎F1断层的综合治理措施

  • Research on Reasonable Cover Thickness for Underwater Tunnel through Numerical Analysis

    水下 隧道合理覆盖层厚度数值模拟研究

  • Construction Technology on Metro Shield Tunnel through Gas Stratum

    地铁盾构 隧道 穿越瓦斯地层的施工技术

  • It took them a whole year to drill a tunnel through the mountain .

    他们花了一整年的时间钻一条 过山 隧道

  • When tunnel through the fold structure stability of surrounding rock will become the issues to consider .

    隧道 穿越褶曲构造时,褶曲区域 隧道围岩稳定性势必成为要考虑的问题。

  • Consequently one has to turn to Gann 's semi-autobiographical novel entitled The Tunnel Through the Air written eighteen years later in1927 for supporting evidence on this key principle .

    因此,人们转向江恩写于十八年后的1927年的半自传体小说“空中 隧道,”一书,寻找这一关键原则的支持证据。

  • The men cut a tunnel through the mountain .

    那些人 穿山凿了一条 隧道