tunica conjunctiva

[ˈtunɪkə ˌkɑndʒʌŋkˈtaɪvə][ˈtju:nikə ˌkɔndʒʌŋkˈtaivə]


  • Method Tunica conjunctiva was examined by microscopy and blood pressure was measured at the exposed femoral arteries in inadequately decompressed animals after hyperbaric exposure .

    方法对暴露在高气压环境不充分减压的动物 分别进行 微球 结膜麻醉 手术暴露股动脉测血压和 病理 检查。

  • Nursing care of pterygium patients treated with contained limbus corneae stem cell and tunica conjunctiva flap autotransplantation

    带角膜缘干细胞 结膜瓣自体移植治疗翼状胬肉的护理

  • Study on the test of the tunica - conjunctiva saccharomycete in the soy sauce

    对酱油中产 性酵母菌检验的研究 结膜中的免疫球蛋白