


  • The prospects of utilization of Yutu S in the two-line hybrid rice production were discussed .

    对不育系玉兔S在 两系杂交水稻生产中的应用前景作了讨论。

  • Climate Decision Making Support System for Seed Production Bases of Two-Line Hybrid Rice


  • Construction of the Teaching Quality Assurance System Based on the Thought of Three-dimension and Two-line

    构建三维 线的教学质量保障体系

  • In the past certain struggles in the party 's history were inaccurately categorized as two-line struggles and that 's one reason why we do n 't favour using this term .

    过去评价历史上的 路线斗争并不准确,这是我们不主张提路线斗争的一个理由。

  • Comparison Analysis between Two-line and Three-line Indica Hybrid Rice Combinations in the Middle and Down Area of the Yangtse Valley of China

    长江中下游稻区籼型 两系与三系杂交水稻组合的比较分析

  • A Report on High-yielding Cultivation Technique of New Transgenic Herbicide-resistant Two-line Early Season Hybrid Rice Combination

    转基因抗除草剂 两系杂交早稻新组合高产栽培试验初报

  • High-yielding Seed Production Techniques for High Quality Two-line Hybrid Rice Yi S Wan 2

    优质 两系杂交水稻宜S晚2号高产制种技术

  • Each film gets a snappy two-line summary .

    每部影片都配有 简洁 明快 内容提要。

  • And in the hi-tech sphere including bioengineering a number of important technologies such as the new combination of two-line hybrid rice have shown favorable development prospects .

    在生物工程等高技术领域, 两系 杂交稻新组合等一批重大技术已显示出良好的发展前景。

  • Effects of Two Kinds of Jasmonates on Two-line Hybrid Rice Seed Production

    2种茉莉酸类物质对杂交水稻 两系不育系的调花效果

  • A New Start Method of Brushless DC Motor Based on Different Voltage Between Two-line

    基于 线压差无刷直流电机新型起动方法

  • Improvement of Commutation Strategy for Matrix Converter Based on Two-line Voltage Synthesis


  • This decision making support system is very helpful in decision-making related to two-line hybrid seed production .

    该系统可为 两系 杂交 高产 高效 安全制种提供强有力的技术支撑。

  • I once saw an operating system wiped out by a two-line cleanup script that had been working every day for two years .

    我曾经看到一个操作系统被一个两年来每天都在运行的两 清理脚本擦除。

  • Washington Post has held a poem competition in 2008 asking for a two-line rhyme with the most romantic first line and the least romantic second line .

    华盛顿邮报曾在2008年举行过一个诗歌比赛,要求 参赛者写 押韵诗,第一行能多浪漫就多浪漫,第二行能多不浪漫就多不浪漫。

  • Studies on Ecological Adaptability of Two-line Hybrid Rice Liang-you-pei-jiu in Nanning


  • The characteristics of vascular bundle of peduncle and grain-filling in two-line hybrid rice were studied .


  • Seed production safety for two-line sterile line A contrast experiment report about the effeet that the relationship between bees and combs has on breeding


  • After you type a password the Pipe Viewer commands produce a two-line progress meter

    输入密码之后,PipeViewer命令生成 进度显示

  • Design of two-line centralized lubrication system based on SCM

    基于单片机的 双线式集中润滑控制系统设计

  • This paper uses grid search and two-line search to select the two parameters and combines the advantage of the two methods to the application on Handwritten English Character Recognition .

    该文使用了网格搜索和 双线性搜索两种方法进行参数选择,并将两者的优点综合。应用于脱机手写体英文字符识别。

  • Evaluation of Cold Tolerance of Early Two-line Hybrid Rice Male Parent 996 at Booting and Flowering Stages


  • Research and Prospect of Dichogamy - two-line Breeding in Cotton

    棉花雌雄异熟 两系 育种研究与展望

  • Nancy : Call waiting means you can turn your own phone into a two-line phone and no one ever gets a busy signal .

    “呼叫等待”意味着你把你的个人电话分成 线路 个人同时打进来的时候,都不会有 忙音

  • As one of the most valuable gas distributors the Two-Line Vane Gas Distributor has been applied in many cases .

    双列叶片式气体分布器是一种重要的气体分布器,在 填料 塔内应用广泛。

  • Enabling this is a two-line operation .

    启用这种 别名是一种 双线操作。

  • Assessment of Climate Risk for Two-line Hybrid Rice Seed Production in Hefei

    合肥市 两系杂交水稻制种气候风险评估

  • A two-line code change can take five minutes but getting a fix into customers ' hands in such a way that they will apply it takes way more than a few minutes .

    一个 代码的修改花了5分钟,但用户拿到这个修复程序的途径需要更多的时间。

  • Two-line hybrid rice seed production technology plays an important role in the application of two-line hybrid rice .

    两系杂交稻制种技术为两系法杂交水稻的大 面积应用和 推广起到重要的保障作用。

  • That finding will directly provide breeding resource for application of three-line hybrid and two-line hybrid in soybean which will make hybrid soybean come in market cosmically .

    柱头外露的 基因型明显的表现为长柱头、长花柱和长粒型。该研究为大豆“三系”和“ 两系”的直接利用提供育种资源,促使杂交大豆走向大规模商业化。