


  • Since the financial crisis every MBA student and their flatmate seems to have been donning a hoodie and entering a pitch contest to secure funding for their two-bit app concept .

    自金融危机以来,每一个mba学生和他们的室友似乎都套着一件连帽衫参加创业大赛,试图为他们 微不足道的应用构想赢得资金。

  • The reception area gave me the impression that the company was a two-bit firm .

    这家公司的接待区让我觉得这是家 二流的公司。

  • Only a lousy two-bit punk would ever hit a woman .

    只有讨厌的 二半 调子 小阿飞)会打女人。

  • He plays a two-bit Chicago gangster in the play .

    他在剧中扮演一名 微不足道的芝加哥匪徒。

  • The result shows that organic solid waste pretreated has the advantage of rapid degradation short start-up time of reactor high utilizing rate of feedstock two-bit cost and so on .

    结果显示:经过预处理后的有机固体具有降解快,启动时间短,反应 稳定,原料利用率高等优点。

  • Two-bit Quantum Gates to Implement N-bit Quantum Gates

    基本 量子逻辑门实现n位量子逻辑门的功能

  • In this paper we optimize an efficient algorithm based on the q-gram index from two-bit parallel and filtering respectively for different lengths of patterns .

    本文对已有的一种基于q-gram索引的高效算法从 并行以及过滤 方面进行了优化,分别适用于不同长度的模式串。

  • The biexciton system is one of important quantum states in QDs as it carries prospects in realization of two-bit quantum logic gates and in generation of entangled photon pairs .

    量子点中一个重要的量子态是双激子态,其在 比特量子逻辑门以及产生纠缠双光子对上有着重要的应用。

  • That may be two-bit psychology but it 's the only explanation I have .

    那可能是 不值一提的心理,但它却是我唯一的解释。

  • In this paper two techniques for overcoming the fixed-capacity limit of a PLA are proposed . One of them is an algorithm for reducing the number of product terms of a function when the PLA with two-bit decoders is used .

    本文提出了克服PLA固定容量的限制,扩展逻辑综合能力的两种技术:一是在改用带 译码器PLA的情况下,减少函数乘积项的算法;

  • There is neither lowliness nor nobleness in careers . She is not a TWO-BIT WHORE - She is a LOW COST PROVIDER .

    事业上没有高低贵贱之分。她并不是 贱卖,而是提供低价服务。

  • A two-bit phase shifter with distributed microelectromechanical system ( MEMS ) transmission line ( DMTL ) is developed and a novel structure which be actuated by coplanar waveguide transmission line ( CPW-actuation structure ) is proposed which can reduce the actuation voltage significantly .

    采用分布式微机械传输线结构实现了 移相器,并且为了减小传输线负载电容和驱动电压首次提出了用共面波导传输线来驱动微机械桥的结构(共面波导驱动结构)。

  • Microprocessor : The central processing unit of a microcomputer . The microprocessor is contained on a single integrated circuit chip . two-bit wide slice

    微处理器:微型计算机的中央处理单位.封装在一 单一集成电路 薄片上. 芯片 -微机

  • Tommy : After all you 're a conniving backstabbing two-bit thief .

    汤米:毕竟,你是一个狡猾、偷鸡摸狗的 下流小偷。

  • She is just a two-bit whore .

    她只是一个 的娼妓。

  • The last thing the people here need is a two-bit charlatan .

    这里的人最不需要的就是 这样 微不足道的骗子。

  • We also propose a scheme to implement two-bit quantum phase gates and one-bit unitary gates by using the two-mode two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model . The entangle-ment between the atom and cavity is also investigated in the presence of phase decoherence .

    利用两模两光子JC模型还可以实现单量子比特幺正门和 量子比特相位门。我们还进一步研究了三能级原子和腔场相互作用体系的纠缠产生和操控问题。

  • Two-bit wide slice Analysis of performance of differential Type electrified reset circuit of single chip computer

    芯片 -微机微分型单片机上电复位电路的性能分析

  • And I don 't work for no two-bit nazi .

    我绝对不给纳粹 卖命

  • She is not a TWO-BIT WHORE - She is a LOW COST PROVIDER .

    她并不是 贱卖,而是提供低价服务。

  • You think you 're a big shot when you haven 't the brains to realize you 'll never amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher .

    你自以为是大拿, 实际上你连自己都不知道你只不过是一个一 文的 文员 而已

  • Design and Operation of Microprocessor Control Two-Bit AC Variable Speed Elevator System

    微机控制 交流调速电梯总系统的设计与运行

  • I 'm a cheap tinhorn . a two-bit con man .

    我是个卑鄙小人。 华而不实的骗子。

  • According to the desire of BTB 's function the paper realizes a pseudo-LRU replacement algorithm and two-bit bimodal algorithm . The circuit has advantages in its simple structure and small space .

    针对BTB部件的功能需要,采用了随机替换算法以及 饱和计数器算法,并 给出电路实现,其电路结构简单,占用面积小。

  • Realization of Two-bit Quantum-state Sharing Protocol with Four-particle Cluster State via Cavity QED

    四粒子簇态实现 比特量子态分享的QED方案

  • In cooperative spectrum sensing softened hard combination scheme with two-bit overhead for each cognitive radio ( CR ) user can achieves a good tradeoff between detection performance and complexity .

    在合作频谱感知中, 2-bit软化硬合并方案可以获得检测性能与复杂性的折中。

  • To fit the needs of burst communication systems one-bit and two-bit differential demodulation methods are studied in the thesis and realizes GMSK modulation and demodulation process using the former . A comparison is made to see the performance differences of the two methods using MATLAB .

    针对突发通信系统需要,对1bit差分解调和 2bit差分解调技术进行了研究,在MATLAB中用1bit差分解调技术实现了GMSK信号的调制解调,并对两种解调的性能进行了仿真对比。