tuck in

[tʌk ɪn][tʌk in]


  • I tuck children in who have clean teeth .

    了牙的孩子 上床 睡觉

  • I was gonna turn back and tuck her in * In her room .

    我真想 回去她睡在她的房间里。

  • Tuck the sheets in firmly .


  • While checking her body alignment I reminded her to straighten her legs to push against the floor and to tuck in her chin .

    我检查了她的身体姿势,提醒她要把腿伸直,要用力推地板和 回收 下巴颏儿。

  • Go on inside son . I 'll be there in a minute to tuck you in .

    进屋去吧,儿子,我过会儿来和你 东西

  • Tuck in before it goes cold .


  • Well you could tuck me in .

    那你可以 我啊。

  • ' Probably ' I said tucking in my shirt

    “大概吧,”我边说边把衬衫掖了 进去

  • My mother would tuck me in turn out the lights and tiptoe out .

    母亲会 被子,关上灯,然后蹑手蹑脚走出去。

  • I can barely get up and tuck her in at night .

    我晚上不能起来 被子

  • With the changing of tuck in proportion and times this paper studies the effect of them on the dimensional properties of knitted fabrics and find out the relationship between weft and tuck knitted fabrics .

    通过改变 比例和 的次数,分析它们对针织物尺寸性能的影响,同时在尺寸性能上,建立了纬平针与集圈织物之间的关系。

  • Simon : Oh . Well I still think you should tuck in your shirt .

    赛门:喔,可是我还是觉得你应该 衬衫

  • That strategy is to tuck in the ragged chromosomal tips and form the cap thereby hiding those tips from enzymes whose job it is to reattach errant DNA strands .

    其策略就是把凌乱的染色体末端 卷起,形成帽子,由此将DNA末端隐藏起来,不被识别错误DNA链的酶发现。

  • Mom always reminds me to tuck in my shirt lest I get caught by the school order squad .

    妈总是提醒我要 上衣 裤子 ,以免被纠察队抓到。

  • Suitability of preconditioning numerical method on NS equations for Compressible and imcompressible flows You 'll have to take a tuck in that estimate to bring it down to a cost I can afford .

    适用于可压缩和不可压缩流动的NS方程预处理数值解法你得 压缩那份预算,把它降低到我能负担得起。

  • Tuck in your shirt ; it looks awful hanging out of your pants .

    你的衬衣 进去,垂在长裤外面很不好。

  • I like pizza very much and tuck in it .

    我十分喜欢披萨且 尽情

  • Pull up a stool and tuck in .

    拉过一张凳子, 大快朵颐

  • To tuck in your shirt .

    将衬衣 下摆

  • So if the kitchen cupboards are suddenly brimming with snacks and food it 's no wonder blokes are tempted to tuck in as well .

    所以如果厨房橱柜里的零食和食物突然多了,男人们恐怕也会经不住诱惑 上一口。

  • Your shirt 's hanging out Ned ; tuck it in a once .

    你的衬衣下摆露出来了, 涅德 塞进 裤子

  • Tuck in it 's the last hot food you 'll get for a while .

    尽情 吧,一段时间 你都吃不到这么一 热饭了。

  • This chapter chose Nine Turtles the master official seal fall valley to set an example systematically analyzed his action chivalry with to tuck in the fragrant Tibet jad (?) the dual status performance .

    第四章:性资本下的虚幻英雄造型:本章选择了《九尾龟》中主人公章秋谷作为典型,系统地分析了他的侠义之举与 香藏玉的双重身份表演。

  • You 'll have to take a tuck in that estimate to bring it down to a cost I can afford .

    你得 压缩那份预算,把它降低到我能负担得起。

  • She stooped over losing her balance and began to tuck in the blankets of Ramona 's bed .

    她弯下腰,摇摇晃晃地站不稳,把 瑞摩娜床上的毯子盖

  • The shirt 's ideal worn loose over leggings or tuck it in for a streamlined silhouette .

    这件衬衫最好是松松垮垮地穿在紧身裤外面,或者是 塞进裤子 显出苗条的身材。

  • I 'll tuck you in all safe and sound .

    我会 起来的,保证安全。

  • The dress is too big so mother puts a tuck in it .

    衣服太大,所以妈妈 里面

  • I read Lili a story and tucked her in her own bed
