


  • The din emitting from the tuneless plastic horns is louder than that from a drum or a chainsaw according to the survey by hearing aid manufacturer Phonak .

    这项由助听器制造商峰力集团开展的研究发现,这种塑胶喇叭发出的嘈杂声响远高于锣鼓或电锯发出的 响声

  • A young man walked by singing a tuneless song .

    一个年轻人从身边走过,哼着 的歌。

  • Someone walked by singing a tuneless song .

    有人走过,唱着一首 的歌。

  • Some modern music sounds harsh and tuneless .

    现代音乐中有一些 刺耳又 调子

  • Her tuneless music made her father 's blood boil .


  • His tuneless whistling jarred on my nerves .

    听到他吹着 和谐的口哨声感到心烦意乱。

  • The tuneless plastic horn blown by fans was a top World Cup newsmaker and has been snapped up abroad .

    南非世界杯期间,球迷们吹奏的这一 曲调的塑料喇叭成为媒体关注的焦点,在其它国家也成为热销 商品