


  • Objective : To explore the diagnostic significance and application value of determination of hydrothorax ADA for tuberculous pleurisy .

    目的:探讨胸水腺苷脱氨酶测定对 结核 胸膜炎的诊断意义和应用价值。

  • The Clinical and Experiment Research of Tuberculous Meningitis

    结核 脑膜炎的临床分析与实验研究

  • Comparison on Efficacy and Safety of Two Methods in the Treatment of Tuberculous Pleural Effusion Combined with HIV Infection

    两种方法治疗HIV阳性 结核 胸腔积液的疗效与安全性比较

  • Clinical analysis on 87 cases of exudative tuberculous pleurisy

    渗出性 结核 胸膜炎87例临床分析

  • The diagnostic value of enhanced MRI in tuberculous meningitis

    GDPA增强MRI在 结核性脑膜炎中的诊断价值

  • The cerebrospinal fluid cytology and clinical characteristics of elderly patients with tuberculous meningitis

    老年患者 结核 脑膜炎脑脊液细胞学及临床特点

  • Objective To investigate the value of transgastric NOTES peritoneoscopy in the diagnosis of patients with tuberculous peritonitis .

    目的探讨经胃NOTES腹腔内镜检查对 结核 腹膜炎的诊断价值。

  • 168 cases of clinical analysis of elder tuberculous meningitis

    老年与中青年 结核 脑膜炎各168例的临床分析

  • Conclusion : ADA test has active value in early diagnosis for tuberculous pleural effusion and its chemotherapy .

    结论:胸腔积液ADA含量的检测对于早期诊断及治疗结核 胸膜炎具有积极意义。

  • Objective To explore the value of pleural biopsy in the diagnosis of tuberculous pleurisy .

    目的探讨胸膜活检在 结核 胸膜炎中的诊断价值。

  • Objective : To analyze the use of tuberculous meningitis and CSF replacement therapeutic effect of intrathecal injection .

    目的:分析对 结核 脑膜脑炎采用CSF置换及鞘内注药治疗的疗效。

  • Objective To explore the clinical effect of thoracic close drainage on the treatment of chronic tuberculous empyema .

    探讨胸腔闭式引流在慢性 结核 脓胸治疗中的应用价值。

  • Conclusion It was a much worthy way for us to distinguish which was carcinous or tuberculous pleural effusion-combined with the ADA and CA211 examination .

    结论在癌性与 结核 胸水的鉴别中,对ADA和 CA211的联合检测,在胸水性质的鉴别中比其它指标更有意义。

  • Objective To investigate the characteristics of brain CT and cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF ) and to provide a reference for diagnosis and treatment of tuberculous meningitis .

    目的探讨 结核 脑膜炎头颅CT和脑脊液特点,为临床诊断和治疗提供参考。

  • Tuberculous tenosynovitis is an uncommon extrapulmonary tuberculosis .

    结核 腱鞘炎是罕见的肺外结核病。

  • Conclusion Pleural biopsy methods in the diagnosis of tuberculous pleurisy are of great value .

    结论胸膜活检在 结核 胸膜炎诊断中具有重要价值。

  • Abstract : objective to report the experience of surgical treatment of tuberculous tracheobronchial stenosis .

    文摘:目的报告 结核 气管、支气管狭窄的外科治疗经验。

  • A Clinical Analysis of 108 Cases of Tuberculous Peritonitis

    108例 结核 腹膜炎患者临床分析

  • Methods We have examined the samples of53 cases of tuberculous and43 cases of carcinous pleural effusion from patients diagnosed in recent three years .

    方法对3年来确诊的 结核 胸水53例、癌性胸液43例患者的胸水标本进行检测。

  • Objective To study the treatment mechanism of Xiaoshui powder on tuberculous pleurisy .

    目的研究消水散治疗 结核 胸水的机制。

  • Conclusion Transgastric NOTES peritoneoscopy with biopsy is the crux of the diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis .

    结论经胃NOTES腹腔内镜检查及病理活检是确诊 结核 腹膜炎非常有效的诊断方法。

  • Objective to evaluate the role of arthroscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of early tuberculous synovitis .

    目的探讨关节镜在早期单纯滑膜 结核诊断和治疗中的作用。

  • INTERPRETATION : Dexamethasone may affect outcome from tuberculous meningitis by reducing hydrocephalus and preventing infarction .

    结论:地塞米松可能通过减少脑积水和防止梗塞影响 结核 脑膜炎。

  • To explore the significance of adenosine deaminase in patients with tuberculous pleurisy .

    目的探讨腺苷脱氨酶在结核 胸膜炎中的临床意义。

  • Notably the absence of lung lesions suggestive of TB should not exclude the possibility of tuberculous peritonitis .

    值得注意的是,即便没有提示TB的肺脏病变也不应该排除 结核 腹膜炎的可能。

  • Objective : To study the main differential points between the cryptococcal and tuberculous meningitis by means of dynamic comparision of the multiple cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF ) markers .

    目的:对脑脊液多项指标进行动态比较,研究隐球菌性和 结核 脑膜炎的鉴别要点。

  • Forceps Holder and Microwave Treatment Guided by Thoracoscopy for Multilocular Tuberculous Pleural Effusion

    胸腔镜介导下微波和钳夹治疗多房性 结核 胸腔积液

  • Diagnosis value of a-interferon determination combined with carcinoembryonic antigen in tuberculous pleural effusion and malignant pleural effusion

    联合测定a-干扰素和癌胚抗原在 结核 胸腔积液和恶性胸腔积液鉴别诊断中的价值

  • Expression and significance of VEGF and Ang-2 in tuberculous peritonitis and peritoneal carcinomatosis

    VEGF和Ang-2在 结核 腹膜炎与腹膜转移癌中的表达及意义

  • Test for Adenosine Deaminase in Pleural Effusion for Diagnosing Tuberculous Pleuritis

    胸水腺苷脱氨酶检测对 结核 胸膜炎的诊断意义