


  • Summary on three-effect uniflow type forced circle evaporator for 40 kt / a caustic soda production

    4万t/a烧碱蒸发三效 顺流强制循环装置总结

  • A mathematical model based on the core-annulus flow structure is proposed to characterize the gas solid flow pattern in the riser and the residence time distribution of solids within the CFB system and the uniflow cyclone .

    基于循环流化床内特殊的核心-边壁区流体动力结构,建立了能描述循环流化床和下 排气 旋风分离器内固体颗粒流体动力特性及固体停留时分布的数学模型。

  • Moreover the uniflow hydrocyclone has the traits of big capacity low pressure drop and a little low separation efficiency in contrast to the returned flow hydrocyclone .

    采用 新型 入口 直流 水力旋流器 水力旋流器压降低,处理量大且分离效率略低;

  • The result indicated that the equipment conforms to requirement of uniflow cleanroom completely .

    结果表明该装置完全符合 单向 洁净室的指标要求。

  • The pulse pump is a new-type pump in which the fluid successively flows out in one direction by means of the pulse effect in the uniflow pipe .

    脉冲泵是利用脉冲 管效应 获得 单向连续出流的新型泵。

  • In the process of injecting profile control agent the pressure of the injection system is balanced at any time . Thus pressure equation of uniflow profile control construction can be established according to the pressure balance theory and filtration theory .

    调剖剂注入过程中,注入系统的压力在任意时刻是平衡的,因此可以根据压力平衡原理和渗流理论建立 单向 的调剖施工的压力方程。

  • To set up the distributed and different platform E-Government Affairs architecture is analyzed . Then the UniFlow Workflow Manage system as the E-Government Affairs architecture 's base platform based on J2EE is put forward .

    从理论上对建立一个完整的分布式、跨平台的电子政务架构进行了分析,在此基础上提出了基于J2EE集成平台 UniFlow工作流管理系统,作为电子政务架构基础平台的方案;

  • Fiber orientation of the paper formed on uniflow VAT and its mathematical model

    网纸 顺流 纤维分布及其数学模型

  • The Study on Three Characteristic of Uniflow in Soft Wall Cleanroom

    挡洁净区的 单向 流三 要素研究

  • In combination with profile control agent physical simulation flooding experiment A uniflow profile modification agent optimization mathematical model is established .

    结合调剖剂物理模拟驱替实验,建立了 单向 调剖剂用量优化的数学模型。

  • Development and application of the FSQ-115 uniflow sand controller


  • Introduces the application of PC programmable controller at uniflow high-speed elevator and the principle of controlling uniflow high-speed elevator .

    介绍PC可编程控制器及其在 直流高速电梯上的应用,及直流高速电梯的控制原理。

  • Measurement and Analysis of Flow Field of Rotary Uniflow & Inner-recycle Cyclone Separator (ⅱ)

    旋转 直流内循环式旋风分离器流场测定与分析(Ⅱ)

  • Finally the field in a cylinder of a two-stroke uniflow scavenge diesel enginemeasured by the hot-wire probe is presented .

    最后,介绍了用热线探针在一台二行程 直流扫气柴油机上进行的缸内流场稳态分布测量结果。