ultrasonic welding


  • The principle and application case of plastic ultrasonic welding technology are briefly introduced in this paper .

    简要介绍了塑料 超声波 焊接工艺的原理及应用情况;

  • Ultrasonic welding machine can attain to bonding automotive parts such as intake manifold instrument panels tail lights and bumpers etc.

    臻能 超声波 焊接机可接合汽车部件,例如进气歧管、仪表板、尾灯及保险杠等;

  • A design of pneumatic pressure system is worked out based on the characteristics of pressing system for ultrasonic welding of plastic .

    超声波塑料 焊接 工艺出发,分析研究了气动加压系统应具备的待性.进而设计出一套气动加压系统。

  • The ultrasonic welding technology is a kind of solid state bonding method . The metallic material are welded by the welding pressure and the high frequency shearing motion .

    超声波 焊接技术是一种通过对工件施加压力以及高频剪切运动来实现材料间固态连接的方法。

  • Ultrasonic welding for ribbon is widely used in developed countries electric resistance welding is still used in China .

    超声波 焊接是发达国家色带 生产企业普遍采用的色带 焊接 方法,而国内企业均采用落后的电阻丝焊。

  • Through the simple introduction of the frequency characteristics of sound system in ultrasonic welding some main modes of self-tracking in ultrasonic power are illuminated and its development direction is pointed out .

    在介绍 超声 焊接中的声学系统频率特性的基础上,着重阐述了超声波电源的几种主要的频率跟踪方式,并指出其发展方向。

  • The injection molding technique after-treating technique and ultrasonic welding technique of PPS products are described in detail .

    重点阐述了PPS制品的注塑工艺、后处理工艺以及 超声波 焊接工艺。

  • This paper introduces the concept and design plan of ultrasonic welding equipment for saloon car 's front and rear bumpers reveals the general design method of this type of non - standard equipment . The main welding units are described in details .

    本文介绍了轿车前后保险杠 超声波 焊接设备的总体设计思路及设计方案,揭示了该类非标准设备的一般设计方法,并对主要焊接单元作了详细说明。

  • Frequency tracking control system in inverter ultrasonic welding power supply based on variable arguments PI-ADPLL

    基于变参数PI-ADPLL 超声 焊接电源的频率跟踪控制

  • A kind of frequency automatic tracking technology for inverter ultrasonic welding power

    一种逆变式 超声 焊接电源频率跟踪技术

  • This paper presents a device and procedure for ultrasonic welding of paper cups .

    本文介绍一种 超声纸杯 焊接设备及 焊接工艺。

  • Simulation of viscoelastic heat during ultrasonic welding of thermoplastics

    超声波塑料 焊接粘弹性热的仿真计算

  • In this paper the mechanism of ultrasonic welding is studied based on the copper fin to copper tube experiment . By analyzing the heat produced during the weld process and the SEM metallograph the mechanism of ultrasonic welding is studied .

    在铜片-铜管太阳能集热板 超声波 焊接 试验基础上研究了其 焊接机理,通过分析焊接接头的SEM图及从能量角度估算焊接过程的摩擦做功,研究了铜片-铜管超声波焊接的形成机理。

  • Ultrasonic cleaning machines ultrasonic welding machines ultrasonic machine lace according to customer demand customer satisfaction with the design of non-standard machines .

    超声波清洗机, 超声波 焊接机,超声波花边机,同时可根据客户需求,设计客户所满意的非标机器。

  • The paper summarizes the principle and equipments of ultrasonic metal welding briefly . Through experiments the impact of welding parameters and process on the strength is discussed . The feasibility of applying ultrasonic welding to laminated object manufacturing are analyzed .

    简要介绍了超声金属焊接的原理和设备,通过试验讨论焊接参数及工艺对焊接强度的影响,分析了将 超声 焊接应用于分层实体制造的可行性。

  • Ultrasonic welding of ( ABS ) plastic shell and its application into production are introduced in the paper . The shell structure the fixture design and welding parameters are presented too .

    采用 超声波 焊接 技术 焊接摩磁ABS塑料壳体,扼要介绍了壳体结构、焊接工具头设计和焊接参数对接头的影响并成功地焊接了产品。

  • The welding process and quality in ultrasonic welding of plastics Part I analysis of joint melting state during welding

    塑料 超声波焊接过程及质量研究I 焊接过程接头熔化状态分析

  • Custom ultrasonic welding head the provision of related equipment maintenance and repair ;

    订制 超音波 焊头,提供相关设备保养维修;

  • Ultrasonic welding of integrated circuits is of highest accurate . WS Wave Soldering

    超声波 焊接的集成电路,精密度极高。波峰焊接,THT元件的焊接方式

  • We can Obtained the distribution of the transient state temperature and stress in the ultrasonic welding process through the finite element analysis .

    通过有限元数值模拟的方法得到了 异种 合金 超声波 焊接过程中瞬态温度及应力的分布。

  • Impact tests show that the ultrasonic welding also enhances the joint impact toughness .

    冲击实验表明, 接头 低温冲击韧性提高。

  • Ultrasonic welding technique to realize automobile sensor seal is a higher efficiency and lower cost technology .

    利用 超声波 焊接实现汽车传感器封装,是高效率、低成本的技术。

  • The Research of Ultrasonic Welding on Digital Laminated Object Manufacturing

    超声 焊接在数字化分层实体制造中的应用研究

  • Research of Microcontroller Control Ultrasonic Welding Machine

    单片机控制的 超声波 焊接机的研究

  • Viscoelastic Constitutive Model of In-Mould Decoration Films Simulation of viscoelastic heat during ultrasonic welding of thermoplastics

    模内镶件注塑膜片的粘弹性本构模型 超声波塑料 焊接粘弹性热的仿真计算

  • Both experimental work and theoretical analysis have been carried out to study the mechanism of the flaw in ultrasonic welding of multilayer metal materials which aims at developing rapid prototyping by laminated object manufacturing .

    对应用于分层制造的多层金属板材 超声波 焊接的开裂问题进行了试验研究和理论分析,并找出了开裂的根本原因:①存在 焊接缺陷;

  • The paper introduced the ultrasonic welding of aluminum alloy and magnesium alloy and analyzed the features of various process technologies .

    本文介绍了铝合金、镁合金的国内外 超声波 焊接的最新研究现状,分析了各种工艺方案的特点与效果。

  • It has studied that the technological parameters ( ultrasonic welding time 、 the welding pressure 、 the surface condition of the material and so on ) have effect on the properties of the welding joint .

    通过 改变 超声波 焊接的焊接压力、 焊接时间、以及待焊件的表面状态等工艺参数来进行焊接,研究了各工艺参数对焊接接头性能的影响。

  • The Application of Ultrasonic Welding Technology on Gas Meter Diaphragm Assembling

    超声 焊接技术在煤气表膜片组件装配上的应用

  • Application of Ultrasonic Welding in Backlight Plastics

    超音波 焊接在背光源塑胶件中的应用