


  • Research on the Sintering Processing of the Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Nano Powders

    钇稳定 氧化 纳米粉体烧结工艺的研究

  • Influence of MgO and TiO_2 on mechanical properties of zirconia toughened alumina ceramics formed by gel-casting technique

    MgO和TiO2烧结助剂对凝胶注模成型 氧化 增韧氧化铝陶瓷性能的影响

  • Comparison of surface roughness and bacterial adhesion on zirconia ceramics and titanium alloys under shaking cultivation

    振荡培养条件下 氧化 陶瓷和钛合金表面粗糙度与细菌黏附的比较

  • Effects of Zirconia on the Properties of Leucite-based Porcelain Powder

    氧化 对白榴石基烤瓷粉性能的影响

  • Zirconia cloth is an ideal separator material for the alkaline batteries .

    氧化 纤维布是大容量碱性电池的理想隔膜材料。

  • Leads Title : Want to buy synthetic diamond not cubic zirconia .

    信息标题:想买人造金刚石,立方 氧化

  • A nanostructured zirconia coating was prepared by plasma spray sol process .

    采用等离子喷涂溶胶工艺制备了 氧化 纳米涂层。

  • Preparation and Properties Research of Colored Zirconia Ceramics with High Toughness

    高韧性彩色 氧化 陶瓷的制备及性能研究

  • The effect of the content of yttria on the mechanical properties of zirconia ceramic and the phase as well as microstructure of zirconia ceramic with different molar fraction yttria are studied .

    研究了不同含量的氧化钇对 氧化 陶瓷性能的影响,并对相组成及显微结构进行了分析。

  • Preparation and Properties of Zirconia Added Calcium Phosphate Glass-Ceramic

    氧化 与钙磷酸盐微晶玻璃的复合及性能研究

  • Oxygen content detecting system based on zirconia oxygen sensor

    基于 氧化 传感器的 烟气氧量检测系统大容量氧气 存储和处理系统

  • DURA-32 Zirconia Toughened Alumina ( ZTA ) bead was sintered from alumina powder and zirconium silicate powder .

    复合锆珠由硅酸 和氧化铝粉经特别的工艺烧结复合而成。

  • The Effect of Additives and Binders on the Properties of Zirconia Ceramics

    添加剂和结合剂对 氧化 陶瓷性能的影响

  • Microstructure of partially stabilized zirconia foam ceramic with MgO and ceo_2

    氧化镁和氧化铈复合部分稳定 氧化 泡沫陶瓷的显微结构

  • The results indicate that sintering temperature and zirconia content are two key influencing factors .

    在此基础上进一步分析烧结温度和 氧化 含量对镁锆砖 侵蚀 性能的影响。

  • Effect of nano-silica coating on bonding strength of zirconia ceramics to dentin

    纳米硅涂层对Cercon 氧化 陶瓷与牙本质黏结强度的影响

  • Study on the vivo biocompatibility between hydroxyapatite / 40 % zirconia composite and animal bone tissue

    羟基磷灰石/40% 氧化 与骨组织相容性和生物活性的体内研究

  • Absorption and Luminescence Spectra of Yttria Stabilized Cubic Zirconia Crystals with Dopants

    氧化钇稳定立方 氧化 掺杂晶体的吸收光谱和发光光谱

  • The applications of zirconia on ceramic toughening catalyst and carrier ionic conductance and biology were introduced .

    同时,介绍了 氧化 在陶瓷增韧、催化剂及载体、离子导电和生物等方面的应用。

  • In this paper we reviewed the research achievements about continuous zirconia fibers in recent years .

    本文总结了近年来国际上对 氧化 连续纤维的研究成果。

  • Impact of contamination on shear bonding strength of the zirconia ceramic

    污染对 氧化 陶瓷剪切强度影响的研究

  • Effects of additives on sintering properties of high purity zirconia products

    添加剂对高纯 氧化 制品烧结性能的影响

  • Microstructure investigation showed that the zirconia and impurity phases were dispersed in the BN layer matrix .

    显微结构分析表明, 氧化 和杂质相镶嵌在氮化硼层状基质中。

  • Among them ceramic bearing material is mainly zirconia ( ZRO2 ) and silicon nitride ( SI3N4 );

    其中,陶瓷轴承材料主要为 氧化 (ZRO2)和氮化硅(SI3N4);

  • The crystal structures and ionic conductivity of yttria stabilized zirconia ( YSZ ) are analyzed .

    分析了钇稳定的 氧化 (YSZ)的晶体结构及离子导电性。

  • One project is trying to use zirconia a tin byproduct to create solid oxide fuel cells .

    其中一个计划是用锡的副产品 氧化 来生产固态氧燃料电池。

  • A study on strength of twice sintered nanometer zirconia ceramic for dental application

    二次烧结对牙科纳米 氧化 陶瓷强度的影响

  • Zirconia ceramic with high mechanical strength and biocompatibility has shown great potential for dental applications recently .

    氧化 是一种具有生物相容性,物理及机械 性质 稳定且强度很高的陶瓷。

  • Structure and properties of colored dental tetragonal zirconia stabilized by yttrium ceramics

    牙科着色氧化钇稳定四方多晶 氧化 陶瓷的结构与性能

  • In this paper yttrium can be successfully incorporated into the framework of mesoporous zirconia by a surfactant-assisted method and a post-treatment process .

    作者利用表面活性剂辅助模板及后处理工艺成功实现了过渡金属钇在有序介孔 氧化 骨架中的掺杂改性。