zone law


  • Characteristics experimental of surrounding rock mass in tectonic zone and its rheological law analysis

    构造 围岩特性实验及流变 规律分析

  • Therefore our country should the local development zone as soon as possible into unified national regulation legislation system let our development zone of the authority of law has higher unity stability .

    所以,我国应当尽快把各地方开发区条例纳入统一的国家级立法体制中,让我国开发 法律具有更高的权威性、统一性、稳定性。

  • At the same time the depth of die heat affected zone ( HAZ ) transfer law and influential mechanism of temperature wave have been analyzed which lay a foundation for further research of temperature field and thermal stress filed of die . calculation of casing thermal stress ;

    同时分析了温度波在模具中的传递 规律,热影响 范围与影响机理,为进一步开展锻模温度场与热应力场的研究提供了基础。

  • The speed of economic development in Dongguan is very high as it is located in the Economic Development Zone . As a result the pupil law education has lots of differences .

    东莞地处经济开发 ,经济社会发展速度较快,人口流动频繁,在小学生 法制教育方面具有很多突出特点。

  • At the same time the Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea have special provisions regarding the innocent passage thus making this right codification .

    与此同时,1958年《领海与毗连 公约》和1982年《联合国海洋 公约》也对无害通过权作了专门规定,从而将此权利法典化。

  • Analysis is also made of various structural types the mechanism of rich coal-bearing zone and distribution law .

    并据此分析不同的构造型相、富煤 的形成机理、分布 规律

  • Japan 's assertion that Okinotorishima is an island and can own200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone is groundless in international law .

    日本主张“冲之鸟”是岛屿,可以拥有200海里的专属经济 是没有国际 根据的。

  • On the basis of that we apply the coupling mathematical model of the methane delivery law in the mining fissure Elliptic Paraboloid Zone and obtain the distribution law of methane concentration in mining overlying stratum .

    基于此,并应用采动裂隙椭抛 中瓦斯运移规律的耦合数学模型,得到采动覆岩中的瓦斯浓度分布 规律

  • In theory study through material science contact mechanics finite element method calculation of such analysis and numerical simulation of forming process of winding ring elastic and plastic zone distribution and the law of change .

    在理论研究中,通过材料学、接触力学、有限元法数值模拟,研究卷绕成形过程中坯料弹性 与塑性 的分布和变化 规律,对坯料的回弹等进行分析,研究塑性成形机理。

  • The development of PMC is ongoing all the time but there is a grey zone in international humanitarian law regarding PMC since the international law provides no specific rules or regulations on it .

    PMC的发展仍然持续进行,而PMC在国际人道主义 上处于一个灰色 地带,因为国际法上并没有对他们有任何明确的规定。

  • By synthetically analyzing the paper explains the reason of the no coal zone and the distributed law .

    综合分析,对煤厚削减 的成因做出详细解释。阐明煤厚削减 的分布 规律

  • The stress field of cutting zone is analyzed by the load-penetration law . The surface stress is calculated in terms of single-point cutting and loose-abrasive polishing and the variety of pressure in polishing stress field is investigated .

    本文运用载荷渗透法则对切削 表面的应力场进行了计算,揭示了不同形状单点切削光学材料时,材料表面应力变化 规律,研究了压力的变化对抛光区应力场的影响。

  • Study on the Legislative Measure of Coastal Zone Management Law

    海岸 管理 的立法对策研究

  • Cnooc in June said it was offering a new round of oil-and-gas blocks to foreign partners within what Vietnam says is its exclusive economic zone under the United Nations ' Convention on the Law of the Sea .

    中海油在6月份说,它将在越南认为按照联合国海洋 公约(UnitedNations'Conventiononthe LawoftheSea)属于其专属经济 地区拿出新一批油气区块面向外国伙伴招标。

  • The main tension zone and law of stress distribution are investigated regarding the relative width of diagonal tension stress zone as variable .

    以坝踵主拉应力区相对宽度为变量,探讨了重力坝坝踵主拉应力 范围和应力分布 规律

  • In the tensile zone the stiffened panel is assumed ideal elasticity and plasticity namely in the elastic zone the relationship of stress-strain obey Linear elastic law and then in the plastic zone the tensile elements are assumed to keep carrying the yield load .

    在拉伸区内,认为加筋板材料为理想弹塑性,即弹性阶段 的应力&应变关系曲线服从虎克 定律,达到塑性阶段后,加筋板的强度值保持为屈服应力。

  • The study of eccentric annular clearance Reynolds number and laminar flow zone calculation methods for power law fluid

    流体偏心环空间隙雷诺数及层流 区域计算方法研究

  • In order to secure the continual development our country should enact the Coastal Zone Management Law .

    为使海岸带的 开发管理活动有法可依,实现可持续发展,我国应该制定一部《海岸 管理

  • The neural network compensator and dead zone estimator adaptive learning law are designed .

    设计了神经网络控制器、补偿器及 死区估计器的在线自适应学习

  • There are volume expansion zone in front of face and the law of gas pressure disbalance involume expansion was found .

    发现了工作面前方煤体内存在峰前屈服扩容 及扩容 内瓦斯压力不稳定的 规律

  • The paper has reviewed on spontaneous combustion area of coal in magnetic surveying and carry out inferential interpretation in the baking zone of unmagnetic burnt rock with geological law and coal burnt law in the area .

    本文阐述了磁法探测煤层火区,在没有磁性的烧变岩烘烤 部分,利用该地区的地质 规律及煤层烧变的规律进行外推解释。

  • COMBUSTION EFFECT ON RECIRCULATION ZONE IN A RAMJET DUMP COMBUSTOR Study on Motion Law of Burning Debris in Fire Whirl Flow Field

    冲压发动机突扩燃烧室回流旋涡 热缩效应的研究着火物在火焰旋涡流场中运动 规律研究

  • Environmental protection Regulation in Shen Zhen Economic Special Zone has more strict standard than national environmental protection law and particularly has better operation .

    《深圳经济 特区环境保护条例》作出了比国家环境 法律更为严格的规定,尤以操作性强为特征。

  • This area falls well within what Vietnam claims is its 200-mile exclusive economic zone under international maritime law .

    根据国际海商 ,这一区域完全处在越南所宣称的200海里专属经济 范围之内。

  • The natural resources in the exclusive economic zone referred to in this Law consist of living and non-living resources .

    所称专属经济 的自然资源,包括生物资源和非生物资源。

  • Identifying the basic properties of mining fissure elliptic paraboloid zone and gas delivery law governing goaf represents an effective measure to control gas .

    研究采动裂隙椭抛 的基本性质及其采空区瓦斯运移的 规律,可以采取有效措施进行瓦斯治理。

  • Jiangxi province despite earlier issued a series of laws and regulations rules and regulations but will regulate poyang lake ecological economic zone a low carbon economy in the law basic blank .

    江西省尽管较早出台了一系列法规、规章和制度,但就规范鄱阳湖生态经济 低碳经济的 法律而言,基本处于空白状态。

  • Based on the experiment research of rock matrix dissolution change in different temperature zone under the condition of high temperature the law of change containing porosity and permeability in oil layer and waterflooding layer which are lied in wide spacing medium spacing and close spacing .

    以前人对高温状况下,不同温度 岩石骨架溶解变化的实验研究为基础,研究了大、中、小井距条件下,油层与水淹层的孔隙度渗透率的变化 规律

  • At first the dissertation discusses the basic conceptions of the coastal zone management law including coast coastal line coastal zone coastal zone continual development integrated coastal zone management and coastal zone management law .

    本文从海岸 管理 的基本概念入手,首先分析研究了海岸、海岸线、海岸带、海岸带可持续发展、海岸带综合管理和海岸带管理法的定义;