zone bit


  • The favorable zone bit and traffic advantages establish the favorable base for the development of the economy and society causes of Tongzhou .

    良好的 区位和交通优势为通州的经济和社会各项事业的发展奠定了良好的基础。

  • The silent earthquakes may then take place when a batch of fluid from the slab is working its way up & as the fluid passes it will unclamp the fault zone a little bit perhaps allowing some slow slip .

    这是因为当水通过断层带的片刻,会微微地摇撼 一下断层 ,这或许就是引发轻微滑动的原因。

  • MICE tourism of Zhongshan not only to possess the good zone bit condition but also possesses the good economic environment that goes on the development .

    中山会展旅游不仅有着良好的 区位条件,而且具有持续发展的良好经济环境。

  • According to the relation between the temperature and the ratio of the diameter of the defrosting zone to that of the drilling bit the volume of washing fluid is optimized .

    依据不同冲洗液温度时融化 直径与 钻头直径比和冲洗液用量的关系,讨论了冲洗液用量的优化。

  • While removing most of the NPCs has made way for more PvP my one small regret is that is has left the immense zone feeling a bit empty .

    在这些NPC被移除之后,一个小小的遗憾是,这片广袤的 战场现在 空荡荡了!

  • It is found that there is the shadow in the tourism resources zone bit of traveler zone bit of traffic the image of the spots and the attraction to the talents of Yongzhou .

    经过研究发现,永州旅游区在旅游资源、客源 区位、交通区位、旅游区形象及人才吸引等方面存在较强的阴影现象,使永州旅游的发展处在周边旅游热点的遮蔽之下。

  • The results show that on the June-solstice the penetration of magnetospheric disturbances from the auroral zone to mid-and low-latitude areas is similar between the southern and northern hemispheres but is a bit little stronger in the northern one .

    结果表明,6月至日时,磁层扰动自极光 向中低纬的穿透情况在南、北半球内基本接近,北半球内 强;