


  • He seems unabashed by his recent defeat

    他似乎对最近的 失利 并不 在乎

  • The authors are unabashed technophiles despite whatever negative connotations the term inescapable data might carry .

    作者是一位 畏惧困难的技术爱好者,尽管不容忽视的数据可能带来一些负面的影响。

  • Confident and unabashed Lagerfeld is looking forward to more creative inspiration and hard work .

    始终 拥有完美的自信, Lagerfeld也寻找着更具有创意和挑战性的工作。

  • We were caught completely off guard stupefied by the film 's unabashed flaunting of wealth glamor and male power passed off as what women want . Its vulgar and utter lack of self-awareness is astonishing but perhaps not too surprising .

    这部电影 明目张胆 将财富、魅力和男权 主义标榜为女人 想要的东西,境界之低俗,自大之程度令人猝不及防瞠目结舌,但这也许又不那么令人意外。

  • But it is an unabashed Apple admirer .

    不过,它的确是个 毫不掩饰的苹果崇拜者。

  • His trousers fell down but he appeared quite unabashed .

    他的裤子掉了下来,可他却显得 满不在乎

  • It is hard to remain an unabashed eurosceptic when you see how much EU membership meant to countries such as Poland or Slovakia .

    当看到欧盟成员国资格对于波兰和斯洛伐克等国家具有多么重要的意义,你就很难 泰然自若地保持欧洲怀疑论立场。

  • Unabashed thrashing can literally cause a system to come to a standstill as the kernel becomes too concerned with making room for pages than actually doing anything productive .

    如果 加以处理,系统 颠簸可能会导致系统停滞,因为内核过分地关注于为页面腾出空间,而不是完成任何有实际意义的工作。

  • Margaret chose a counterpoint life filled with tortuous romances and unabashed indulgence .

    玛格丽特公主选择的是一种充满曲折恋情和 极度奢华的生活。

  • John 's vocal is brutally raw towards the finale of the song and it really shows his unabashed and unapologetic personality .

    约翰在结尾以原始的野性嗓音演唱,真实展现了他无所 在乎、无所憾恨的个性。

  • But she is more : Li represents unabashed individuality and that 's why she 's a national icon .

    但是,李宇春确实 拥有更多 含义:她代表了 张扬的个性,这就是她成为全国偶像的原因。

  • He 's an unabashed old-fashioned romantic .

    他是一个 丝毫 难为情的老派的浪漫主义者。

  • Rakesh Jhunjhunwala is an unabashed proponent of the concentrated portfolio theory .

    金君 瓦拉是仓位集中理论的坚定支持者。

  • Google is unabashed about the extent of its aims .

    谷歌 毫不掩饰其目标的 远大

  • Asian and Latin American powers are unabashed about nationalism .

    亚洲和拉美国家 毫不掩饰 自己的民族主义。

  • The little old lady seemed unabashed .

    那个矮小的老妇似乎 不怕

  • Faced with such unabashed exhibitionism one is tempted to scream Is nothing sacred ?

    面对这种 厚颜无耻的表现癖,人们不禁要惊叫:难道就没有什么事是庄严的吗?

  • The production is filled with so much creativity and unabashed romanticism that it remains on my top ten films of all time .

    整个作品充满 新鲜的创意与浪漫 气息,是我 至今最喜爱的十部影片之一。

  • Tom was looking at Mrs Adams as unabashed as the proverbial cat looking at a king .

    汤姆望着亚当斯太太, 泰然自若,就好像谚语所说的看着国王的猫。

  • This kung-fu comedy is so unabashed in its cheesiness that it could be spread on crackers ; it may spike your cholesterol levels .

    这部功夫喜剧在 恶俗上的大胆不羁,使得它能在无厘头爱好者中更受欢迎,也许还能降低你的胆固醇水平。

  • The fact that the neo-conservatives and their allies are unabashed by their failure in Iraq does not mean that the rest of the world should be so forgiving .

    面对在伊拉克的失败,新保守主义者及其盟友 表现 泰然自若,但这并不意味着世界其它地区也应该如此宽容。

  • But his love for the brotherhood of United remains deep and unabashed .

    但他对曼联的爱依然 深沉

  • But Big Eyes raises a set of questions that seem to me especially germane to this era of Twitter and Instagram and indefatigable branding and unabashed self-promotion .

    但《大眼睛》提出了一系列问题。在我看来,这些问题与这个有着Twitter、Instagram、坚持不懈的包装和 掩饰的自我推销的时代密切相关。

  • Weak external demand is not the only cause ; this is an unabashed internalisation of growth .

    外需疲软不是唯一原因;这是 毫不掩饰的增长内驱化。

  • If you do add them and compare their sum to the total social cost of the financial crisis the picture is no longer one of unabashed mollycoddling of the financial sector and neglect of the manufacturing sector .

    如果算上这部分成本,并将其总和与金融危机的总社会成本进行比较,情况就全然不同了,不再是金融业一味受到 无耻的纵容,而制造业一再遭到忽视。

  • He leaned back in his chair and returned the child 's unabashed scrutiny .

    他靠在椅子上,仔细 打量这个孩子。

  • In red braces and huge stripes the Yuppie was born and also our love of excess that continued unabashed until recently .

    雅皮士(城市职业阶层中的年轻人士)的红色条纹背带,以及我们那过多的爱情,到现在都还 泰然自若的继续着。