


  • Include an unaltered copy of this License .

    包括一个 改变的本 可证 副本。

  • Unaltered folk cultures no longer exist in industrialized countries such as the United States and Canada .

    在象美国和加拿大这样的工业化国家里, 一成不变的民间文化群体已不复存在了。

  • In regard to counterfeit trademark goods the authorities shall not allow the re-exportation of the infringing goods in an unaltered state or subject them to a different customs procedure other than in exceptional circumstances .

    对于假冒商标货物,主管机关不得允许侵权货物在未 改变的状态下再出口或对其适用不同的海关程序,但例外情况下除外。

  • In his heart he had a deep unaltered conviction that all would be well yet that he ought not to believe in this and still more ought not to say so but ought simply to do his duty .

    在他内心深处有一个 深藏 的信念:一切都会好的,但是不应当信赖于此,尤其不应当去谈论这个,只应当做好自己的工作。

  • We may one day have unaltered people living alongside a younger gene-edited generation .

    有一天,未曾进行基因 修改的人或许会和更年轻、进行过基因编辑的一代人共同生活在一个世界上。

  • The surfaces are a strange mix of smooth and unaltered stone and ice as when a master sculptor works in stone and lets the material 's natural texture add depth and beauty .

    建筑的表面是由天然冰石以一种奇怪的方式混合而成的光滑材质,就像一个雕刻大师在 雕琢石头时,让它本身的纹理表现得更深刻更美丽。

  • Since this message remains unaltered and there are no other messages involved in the process one container is sufficient .

    因为这条消息保持 不变且流程中不涉及其他消息,所以一个容器就足够了。

  • In the high impedance state output voltage is unaltered .

    在高阻抗状态,输出电压不 改变

  • This algorithm is based on an unaltered acceleration model and predicts the object 's gain according to its historical variation then tunes the gains of model and con-troller online .

    该算法基于等 加速度模型,根据对象增益的历史变化趋势预估增益的大小,并在线调整对象模型和控制器的参数,从而降低模型与对象的失配程度,起到提高控制系统鲁棒性的作用。

  • The rest of the apartment had fortunately remained unaltered since that time


  • Yet Neill who died in 1973 would surely look on approvingly : his legacy is largely unaltered .

    然而,1973年去世的尼尔,肯定会用赞许的眼光看待这一切,因为他留下的传统很大程度上 并未 改变

  • Request you request confirmation that the message was received unaltered ; you also request information about who opened the message and when it was opened .

    要求的邮件时,可以请求对邮件已 修改 被接收的确认;也可以请求有关谁打开了该邮件和什么时候打开的信息。

  • The placings remained unaltered

    排名 未有 变化

  • You may use this article for reprint as long as it remains unaltered and the resource box and author information are included .

    你可以用这篇文章重印,只要,仍 维持 不变,包括信息资源箱和作者。

  • But we need the gradual approach as well because most of the time we are not able to realize the nature of mind straight away by remaining unaltered .

    但是我们也需要渐进的方法,因为大部份的时间,我们无法 藉由 不变以直接了悟心性。

  • To keep in perfect or unaltered condition ; maintain unchanged .

    保存保持处于完善或 不变的状况中;维持不变。

  • H.Include an unaltered copy of this License .

    第八款、包括一个 改变的本授权的副本。

  • Staining for agrin the major HS proteoglycan core protein in the GBM was unaltered .

    而GBM内主要的HS蛋白多糖核心蛋白&集聚蛋白(Agrin)染色 没有 变化

  • Keep or maintain in unaltered condition ; cause to remain or last .

    保持或者继续在 不变的状态中;致使保持或者持续。

  • To the extent an original invoice is not available a clear unaltered scanned version will suffice .

    原始发票不能使用时,清楚的、 修正的扫描版也可以。

  • Because this action causes physical page numbers in the database to be changed pages are not copied unaltered .

    因为此操作将更改数据库中的物理页码,所以,不会 原封不动 复制页。

  • The Indian side recalls that India was among the first countries to recognize that there is one China and that its one China policy has remained unaltered .

    印方忆及印度是最早承认一个中国的国家之一,其一个中国的政策没有 改变

  • Within that process the border between Serbia and Kosovo remained unaltered .

    在整个过程中,塞尔维亚和科索沃之间的边界 没有 变化

  • A cultivated plant of an unaltered wild species .


  • These were my opinions and they continue unaltered .

    这是我 以前的看法,现在仍旧 没有

  • After the collision the bowling ball continues unaltered .

    在碰撞之后, 保龄球继续 影响

  • Very little of our food whether carbohydrate fat or protein is capable in its unaltered form of nourishing the body .

    译文:食物,不论是碳水化合物、脂肪或蛋白质,很少能以 转化的状态营养身体。

  • This attitude is distinctly unhealthy for the gene pool as a whole . keep in perfect or unaltered condition .

    这对于完整的基因库完全是一种不健康的态度。保持完整或 改变的状态。

  • Low frictional coefficient giving extremely low wear with otherwise unaltered mechanical properties .

    低摩擦系数非常低,否则 给予机械性能 不变的磨损。