unanimous vote

[jʊˈnænəməs vot][ju:ˈnæniməs vəut]

[法] 一致的选票

  • It can only start a programme of purchases on the advice of the European Central Bank and it requires a unanimous vote by its members .

    它只有得到欧洲央行(ecb)的知会,才能开始实施购买计划,而且需要 所有成员国的 一致 赞成

  • It turned out that she was elected by a unanimous vote .

    结果她以 全票当选。

  • He was elected chairman by a unanimous vote .

    全体 一致当选为主席。

  • A unanimous vote was taken to liquidate the company .

    全体 投票 一致 通过停业清理公司。

  • To save time the assistant secretary cast a single ballot as the unanimous vote of all for Dr. Alger .

    为了节省时间,副秘书长代表 全体 选举人的公意投了一张总选票,选举了阿尔杰博士。

  • The children abolished school uniform by an almost unanimous vote .

    孩子们几乎 一致 投票 反对穿校服。

  • There is a unanimous vote against the proposal .

    全票一致 投票反对一建议。

  • But Karel de Gucht European Trade Commissioner said that lifting the embargo required a unanimous vote from all EU Member States something analysts say is highly unlikely .

    但欧盟贸易专员卡洛德古赫特(kareldegucht)表示,取消武器禁运需欧盟所有成员国 全票 通过,分析人士称,这是极不可能实现的目标。

  • Themove was done on a near unanimous vote among policy makers .

    这项举措基本上是由决策者 全票 通过

  • In1943 he was chosen Director General of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration by the unanimous vote forty-four nations .

    年经过四十四个国家 一致 投票通过,他当选为联合国善后救济总署署长。

  • The ruling was unanimous by a 7-0 vote .

    这份判决书是以 联邦上诉法院的7名法官 一致 同意通过的。

  • A unanimous vote for class captain .

    对班长的 选举 全票 通过

  • He was elected by a unanimous vote .

    他以 全票

  • Peaceful elections were held in1999 though reported by the opposition as unfair and Rahmonov was re-elected by almost unanimous vote .

    1999年,尽管反对派系宣称 选举不公,塔吉克斯坦仍举行了和平的选举。 拉赫莫诺夫又以大多数 选票 毫无疑问而当选。

  • The FOMC adopted the resolution with a unanimous 10-0 vote .

    联邦公开市场委员会以 10-0 投票 结果 一致通过了上述决议。

  • Yet it is this personal dedication and calm from the innocence of a vote is a vote against the guilty to a vote a vote against the guilty innocent eventually found not guilty by unanimous vote .

    然而正是这一个人的执着和冷静,从一票无罪对抗是一票有罪到是一票无罪对抗一票有罪,最终 全票通过无罪认定。

  • As we are not unanimous for this matter let 's vote on it .

    “因为我们在这件事上无法 取得 同意,我们 表决吧。”

  • Facing pressure Athens quickly reversed its position and joined other countries in a unanimous vote to continue sanctions for Russia .

    面对压力,希腊迅速改变态度,与其他国家一 投票 支持了继续对俄罗斯施加制裁的 计划

  • A NATO spokesman says it appears they will not get the unanimous vote required .

    北约的一位发言人说,看来这两个国家不会得到成为新 成员所必需的 一致 赞同

  • We expect the BoJ to unanimous vote for rates to remain on hold with a great focus on developments in financial markets .

    我们预计日本央行会 一致 表决利率维持不变,重点放在金融市场的发展上。

  • But he said he expected a unanimous vote in favor of lifting sanctions when they come up for review this summer .

    不过他说,等到制裁条款在今夏接受审核时,他希望人们会 一致 投票支持解除制裁。

  • Such written consent shall be placed on record and shall have the same force and effect as a unanimous affirmative vote taken at a duly convened board meeting .

    该等书面同意应记录在案,并具有有正式召开的董事会会议的一种 表决相同的效力。