


v.缴械,放下武器( unarm的过去式和过去分词)

  • They shot an unarmed civilian .

    他们枪杀了一名 手无寸铁的百姓。

  • Machine guns mowed down the unarmed civilians like grass .

    机枪像割草一样撂倒了那些 手无寸铁的平民。

  • This is in contrast to the reality of murderous attacks that pirates made on unarmed merchant ships .

    这是对比的现实,残忍的海盗袭击事件作出 对手 的商船。

  • I have avoided killing those who are unarmed .

    我不杀那些 手无寸铁的人。

  • A light usually unarmed airplane used for liaison and scouting .

    轻型飞机一种通常 武装的轻型飞机,用于联络和侦察。

  • The galley proof dares unarmed to dial my gun unexpectedly ?

    小样儿的居然敢 徒手来拨我的枪?

  • Unarmed civilians were shot in cold bood .


  • Unarmed brawling and stabbing were the most common types of violence .


  • He 's unconscious and unarmed .

    他现在昏迷了,并且 手无寸铁

  • Thirteen unarmed civilians died in that attack .

    13 名手 的平民在那场袭击中丧生。

  • You just shot an unarmed man .

    你刚才杀了一个 手无寸铁之人。

  • At the same time observing Gray to be unarmed I handed him my cutlass .

    突然,我发现格雷 没有 武器,便把我的弯刀给了他。

  • But entrenched ruthless people have the ability to kill unarmed people who were coming back from a humanitarian mission .

    但是,那些残忍的人有能力杀害 手无寸铁的人,而被害者当时正在完成人道使命后的返回途中。

  • Theoretically a beholder mage with monk levels could use its arcane hand for its unarmed attacks .

    理论上,具有武僧等级的眼魔法师可以用奥法之手进行 徒手攻击。

  • Both men are trained with weapons and in unarmed combat .

    两人都受到过武器和 徒手格斗训练。

  • Before the enemy 's attack he crossed the river and alarmed the unarmed villagers .

    在敌人进攻前,他过河去向 手无寸铁的村民报警。

  • The soldiers concerned were unarmed at the time

    涉及其中的士兵当时 并未 携带 武器

  • That way I don 't have to kill an unarmed couple . it 's not my style .

    这样我就不会杀了 手无寸铁的人了,这不是我的作风。

  • I 'm unarmed and marked for death .


  • Courses are offered in unarmed combat karate and judo .

    开设 徒手搏斗、空手道和柔道课。

  • In the prison workshops inmates silently make leather shoes and furniture overseen by a single unarmed guard .

    犯人在监狱的工作车间里,由一个 手无寸铁的警卫监视着默默做着皮鞋和家具。

  • The sailors battled with the winds and waves . Girls were practising unarmed combat .

    水手们与风浪搏斗。姑娘们在练习 徒手搏斗。

  • They were shooting unarmed peasants .

    他们在向 手无寸铁的农民开枪。

  • It is true that some armed prophets still failed but all unarmed prophets have been destroyed .

    的确,有些带著武器的先知仍然失败了;但是,所有 没有 武装的先知都被摧毁了。

  • The army has been criticized for attacking the unarmed civilian population .

    军队因为进攻 手无寸铁的平民而受到批评。

  • We dramatized the shooting down of an unarmed black man .

    我们全力强调的是一名 手无寸铁的黑人遭到了杀害。

  • His troops have regularly massacred unarmed civilians and prisoners since he took power in1986 .

    自他1986年执政后,他的军队便经常屠杀手 的平民及战俘。

  • Unarmed . I 'm not gonna hurt you .


  • I don 't like the idea of you being unarmed .
