
[ˌʌltəˈmeitəm, -ˈmɑ-][ˌʌltɪˈmeɪtəm]


  • It seems unlikely that Google 's ultimatum really will change Chinese censorship laws but stranger things have happened .

    谷歌的 最后 通牒对中国的审查法规似乎起 不了什么真正的改变作用。

  • The union official argue among themselves over the best way to deal with the ultimatum from the management .

    工会官员中间就如何对付管理 部门 最后 通牒的最好方法进行争论。

  • There will be some specific German ultimatum that would trigger a negotiation rather than a war .

    德国 总会 发出 最后 通牒,从而导致谈判,而不是战争。

  • The ultimatum expires at noon tomorrow .

    最后 通牒 规定的期限到明天中午截止。

  • The management yesterday issued an ultimatum to the workforce .

    资方昨天向劳方发出了 最后 通牒

  • Zach either accepts this ultimatum or both players lose everything .

    扎克要么接受这份 最后 通牒”,要么两个人都一无所获。

  • An ultimatum has Been issued to him to withdraw his troops from our territory .

    向他提交的 最后 通牒要求他把部队撤出我国领土。

  • Guess he took our ultimatum seriously .

    看来他是认真对待我们的 最后 通牒了。

  • He gave me an ultimatum either Tom had to leave or me .

    他向我 发出最后 通牒:不是汤姆离开,就是我离开。

  • They issued an ultimatum to the police to rid an area of racist attackers or they will take the law into their own hands .

    他们向警方发出了 最后 通牒要求肃清 整个地区的种族主义暴徒,否则他们将自行采取行动。

  • My husband used to be a workaholic until I gave him an ultimatum .

    我先生以前一直是个工作狂,直到我向他 最后 通牒

  • NATO gave the Serbs an ultimatum .

    北约给塞尔维亚人 最后 通牒

  • Since the ultimatum was never delivered I had no opportunity to read it .

    因为这个 最后 通牒始终未下达,所以我没有机会读到它。

  • This time the proposal was couched as an ultimatum .

    这一次该提议是以 最后 通牒的形式提出来的。

  • A man does not give an ultimatum and then back down .

    男人是不会在给了 最后 通谍之后又 妥协的。

  • Bush issued his ultimatum after U.N.allies refused to back his bid for a resolution sanctioning military force .

    在联合国的盟友拒绝支持他要求授权动武的决议后,布什发表了 最后 通牒

  • Their ultimatum expires at midnight .

    他们的 最后 通牒午夜时到期。

  • Germany 's foreign minister welcomes the NATO ultimatum to the Serbian people .

    德外长欢迎北约对塞族的 最后 通牒

  • Listen as she reprimands him and gives him an ultimatum .

    请听卡伦如何斥责他,给他 最后 通牒

  • They delivered an ultimatum to that country .

    他们给那个国家发出了 最后 通牒

  • The agreement was announced hours before an ultimatum from Taiwan for an apology was due to expire at midnight .

    这一结果在台湾 设定于午夜的 最后 通牒前几个小时宣布。

  • They delivered an ultimatum to Iraq .

    他们向伊拉克 发出 最后 通牒

  • Next day the EU summit strengthened their ultimatum .

    次日,欧盟峰会 发出了更加 强硬 最后 通牒

  • After a certain amount of time without a marriage proposal this woman may start to plot The Ultimatum .

    如果 约会了一段时间还没被求婚,这个女人常常会开始 上演 最后 通牒

  • Green is about to give Tony an ultimatum but she is interrupted by a phone call from Jack .

    格林准备给托尼 最后 通牒,但是她的 审问被杰克打来了一个电话打断了。

  • Had she sent an ultimatum to Germany ?

    她给德国发了 最后 通牒吗?

  • Your stubborn nature will backfire if you give your mate an ultimatum .

    如果你给你的伴侣 发出 最后 通牒,你那倔强的个性将会使你得到适得其反的结果。

  • Palmer don 't give me an ultimatum for heaven 's sake .

    巴穆,看在老天的面上,别给我 最后 通牒

  • The ultimatum the elder Bush sent Saddam Hussein before the start of the Persian Gulf war ;

    在海湾战争爆发前老布什发给萨达姆侯赛因的 最后 通牒

  • The cabinet met today to discuss how to respond to the ultimatum .

    内阁今天开会商量如何应对这 最后 通牒