abbr.University CollegeLondon <英>伦敦大学学院

  • There is widening of the joint with stress in the presence of instability due to UCL laxity .

    韧带松弛的时候,关节稳定性变差,在 超声图像上表现为在应力作用下关节间隙变宽。

  • An Information Filtering Method for Chinese Web Pages Based on UCL

    一种基于 UCL的中文网页信息过滤方法

  • Dr Paul Bays based at UCL 's Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience agreed that the study provided an important part of a physiological explanation for how the sensation of itch is reduced .

    来自 College London 大学感知神经科学学院的Paul博士同意这次研究为痒感如何减轻提供了生理学方面解释一个重要部分。

  • Study co-author Professor Jane Wardle director of Cancer Research UK 's Health Behaviour Research Centre at UCL said : ' Unhealthy lifestyles are a leading cause of death from chronic disease worldwide .

    研究的合作者、伦敦 大学学院英国癌症研究院健康行为研究中心主任 简·沃尔德教授表示:在全世界范围内,不健康的生活方式都是导致患慢性疾病致死的一个主要原因。

  • Dr Roi Cohen Kadosh of the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience said : this is the first causal demonstration that the parietal lobe is the key to understanding developmental dyscalculia .

    伦敦 大学学院认知 神经病学研究所的RoiCohen Kadosh博士说:这是第一次证实,顶叶是理解力发展相关性计算障碍的关键部位。

  • Oxford slips from fourth to fifth rank .

    剑桥大学的排名从第三名上升至第二 UCL 第七 跃升至第四 ,而牛津 下滑到第五

  • An advantage of sonography is that it can also demonstrate associated joint instability an important part of the evaluation of the UCL .

    超声的优势之一在于能够同时显示关节的不稳固性,这与对 韧带 UCL 的评价是同等重要的。

  • To explore the effects of unilateral cleft lip ( UCL ) cheiloplasty on nasal deformity .

    目的探讨单侧 唇裂修复手术对鼻部畸形的治疗影响。

  • This paper presents the principle and structure of the Uniform Content Locator ( UCL ) in Data Broadcasting . The program information is organized in the Tree-structure and is transmitted by Data piping of DVB in a special channel .

    介绍了数据广播中统一内容定位( UCL 规范的原理和系统结构,采用树形结构组织节目信息,并采用独立信道数据管道模式传送。

  • The structure of network instrument for collection image the system of remote image communication the manner for dialing to Internet the configuration of remote image server in Internet the design of automatic transmitting for image files in embedded and receiver were introduced in the paper .

    介绍了图像采集网络仪器的构成、远程图像通信系统的组成、 接入Internet的 uClnux 拨号 方式、接收图像信息的Internet远程服务器的配置、嵌入式中图像文件自动传输与接收设计。

  • Aiming at the problem of automatic indexing in the information searches an indexing method for web pages based on UCL is put forward in this paper .

    该文针对网络信息检索中的自动标引问题,提出了一种基于 UCL的网页自动标引技术。

  • I am now creating UCL and Europa League qualifying rounds .

    我现在 伦敦 大学 学院的创建和欧罗巴联赛资格赛。

  • The collaborative team led by UCL Professor Steve Humphries studied the TCF7L2 gene which was discovered to be implicated in diabetes earlier this year by a group working in Iceland .


  • Dr Sarah Jackson lead author of the study at UCL said : ' Now is the time to make New Year 's resolutions to quit smoking take exercise or lose weight .

    萨拉·杰克森博士是 伦敦 大学学院这项研究的首席作者,他说:是时候制定新年目标了,不管是戒烟、参加锻炼,或是减肥。

  • Mr tuckett is Leverhulme research fellow and visiting professor in psychoanalysis at UCL .

    塔克特是leverhulme基金会研究员、 伦敦 大学 学院 ucl 心理分析学访问教授。

  • A study by University College London ( UCL ) revealed in 2011 that reindeer can see light with wavelengths as short as 320 nanometres ( nm ) considerably below the human threshold of 400 nm .


  • Climate change is a medical emergency said Hugh Montgomery director of the UCL Institute for Human Health and Performance and co-chair of the commission . It thus demands an emergency response using the technologies available now .

    气候变化是一种医疗紧急情况, UCL人类健康与表现研究所 IHHP 所长、委员会联合主席休蒙 HughMontgomery)表示,因此,它要求使用现有技术进行应急响应。

  • Scientists and surgeons at UCL GOSH the Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust and the Careggi University Hospital in Florence Italy developed a new technique to treat the life-threatening condition .

    皇家汉普斯特德国民健康保险管理信托会,意大利佛罗伦萨 Careggi大学的研究人员以及外科医生尝试应用新技术治疗威胁生命的疾病。

  • Stephen Edwards an earth scientist and research manager at the Aon Benfield UCL Hazard Research Centre called for more high-quality peer-reviewed data .

    AonBenfield UCL危险研究中心的地球科学家兼研究负责人StephenEdwards呼吁获取更多高质量的同行评议的数据。

  • Tsunami early warning systems in the Pacific are proving ineffective and basic knowledge is still lacking says Richard Hamblyn writer in residence at the Environment Institute in UCL .

    英国 伦敦 大学 学院环境研究所的驻校作家Richard Hamblyn说,太平洋的海啸早期预警系统被证明无效而且人们仍然缺乏基本的知识。

  • Lesley Levene studied archaeology and worked at the British Museum and the Institute of Classical Studies ( UCL ) before becoming a writer and editor .

    雷斯利学考古学,投身写作和编辑之前曾在英国博物馆和古典学习学院( UCL)工作。

  • The study was undertaken in collaboration with researchers at the University of Chicago the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute the Leicester Royal Infirmary and the UCL Institute of Child Health .

    开展这项研究的合作研究人员所在的机构包括美国芝加哥大学的韦尔科姆基金会桑格研究所,英国莱斯特皇家医院和 伦敦 大学 学院儿童卫生研究所。

  • Jonathan Wells is a reader in childhood nutrition Childhood Nutrition Research Centre UCL Institute of Child Health London .

    Jonathan Wells 英国伦敦 大学学院儿童健康研究所儿童营养研究中心的儿童营养讲师。

  • Design of Experimental Network with Complementary Architecture Based on UCL

    基于 UCL的互补结构实验网络设计

  • Scientists led by UCL ( University College London ) have induced dyscalculia in subjects without the maths learning difficulty for the first time .

    来自 伦敦大学学院的科学家们首次使非数学学习困难的受试者产生计算障碍。

  • Rachel Armstrong from UCL 's Bartlett School of Architecture explained the protocell technology .

    来自 伦敦 大学 学院的巴特利特建筑学院的瑞秋·阿姆斯特朗想我们解释了这种“原始细胞”科技。

  • The50 signatories represented many of the country 's top universities some of which may follow UCL 's lead if they don 't like what Lord Dearing has to say .

    信后的50个签名代表了许多英国最好的大学,他们中的很多可能因为不满迪林勋爵(LordDearing)的报告而通过类似 UCL 大学 决议

  • The new UCL academy in London has gone even further with compulsory Mandarin for all pupils right up to sixth form and staff .

    新近 伦敦 大学学院 出资 兴建 中学 UCL academy)则更进一步,要求所有一至六年级的学生以及教职工都学习汉语。