zone boundary


  • A preliminary simulation of the temperature evolution in a two dimensional zone under certain boundary conditions and micro wave heating was conducted as a numerical illustration for the method and some meaningful conclusions were drawn .

    在一定 边界条件和微波空间加热条件下对二维 生物组织中的温度场演化进行了模拟,初步得出一些有益结论。

  • Gravity currents form turbulent flows due to strong shearing in free shear zone and boundary layer .

    水下重力流由于受到和上层液体的自由 剪切底部 边界层的剪切作用而形成湍流流动。

  • The flow field and apple temperature field were obtained for empty and loaded store respectively by editing the UDF program to modify the source term of energy and momentum equations in the porous zone and add the inlet boundary profiles .

    通过编译UDF程序修改多孔介质 区域的能量、动量源项和进口 边界 条件,分别分析了空库和库内储存苹果时的流场及单体苹果内温度变化。

  • With the Erhai fault zone as a boundary they are mainly basic and ultrabasic rocks in the east side trachyte in the west side .

    以洱海断裂 ,东侧主要为基性、超基性岩,西侧主要为粗面岩。

  • The results show that the overpressure distribution of FAE differs greatly from that of TNT . The former belongs to volumetric explosion and can be divided into three zones : cloud zone boundary zone and shock wave zone .

    结果表明:FAE爆炸场超压分布规律与TNT有显著区别,前者属于大体积云雾爆炸,爆炸场可划分为云雾爆轰 、云雾 边缘区和冲击波作用区;

  • By qualitative analysis it has been proved that the motion of the Combustion zone boundary and the enlargement of the dimensions of the cavity with time would balance the acoustic energy growth .

    定性的证明了燃烧 边界的运动和燃烧中空间随时间的扩大对声能的增长起抵销作用。

  • Measurement of the GPS passing through the zone in two times is undergoing extension in NW-SE . Features of the crustal and mantle structure support that the zone belongs to a boundary of thermodynamics and gravity isostatic adjustment .

    跨该带的两期GPS测量结果( 19921994)揭示其为NW-SE向拉张性质,地壳与上地幔结构特征支持其属热动力和重力均衡调整 边界

  • Finch the notion of capture zone is proposed the boundary curve separating the capture zone and expel zone is found to be a single hyperbolic curve and thus the new formula for calculating the area of capture zone is obtained .

    Finch静态聚集模型,提出了捕捉 范围的概念,其捕捉区和排斥区的分 界线为一简单双曲线,并因此得到捕捉横断面积的新计算公式。

  • Directional intensity is influenced obviously especially in the zone near the boundary with changed reflection mode .

    结果表明不同反射特性 面对方向辐射强度的影响较为明显,尤其在靠近该 区域

  • The Thrust and Nappe Tectonics Zone along the Boundary of Coal Accumulation of North China

    华北聚煤 南缘(豫皖)逆冲推覆构造

  • Using climatic building design principles analyzes the relationship between outdoor climate and thermal comfort zone . Establishes the climate boundary condition of the different passive building design strategies .

    利用建筑气候设计原理,分析了室外气候条件与热舒适 的关系,建立了不同被动式设计方法的 边界气候条件。

  • Study on the potential strong earthquake zone along the boundary of Ordos block

    鄂尔多斯 周缘地带未来强震发生 地区初探

  • Boundary of every security zones are integrated and the principles and the implement of program of security zone boundary protection are provided .

    针对各安全区域的边界进行了整合,提出了安全 边界保护的原则和实施方案。

  • Bangong Lake-Nu River suture zone & the northern boundary of Gondwanaland : Evidence from geology and geophysics

    班公湖&怒江缝合 作为冈瓦纳大陆北 的地质地球物理证据

  • Investigation results indicated that the FAE blast field was divided into cloud zone cloud boundary zone and shock wave zone the first two were strong damage zones .

    研究结果表明,FAE爆炸场可划分为云雾 边缘区和冲击波作用区,其中云雾区和边缘区是强毁伤区;

  • Early Cretaceous magmatism during the strike-slip movement indicates that the fault zone put into crust-mantle boundary .

    早白垩世走滑期的岩浆活动,指示当时断裂 切入了壳-幔 边界

  • The temperature field of electron beam welding ( EBW ) in heat-resisting superalloy was simulated based on fusion zone boundary principle by finite-element method .

    根据熔 边界准则应用有限元方法对高温合金电子束焊接温度场进行了数值模拟。

  • Having the hill tectonic zone as the boundary the Taibei Sag can be divided into the west and the east two parts .

    以丘陵构造 ,可将台北凹陷分为东西两部分。

  • Killing zone boundary and defense efficiency of surface - Air Missile

    地空导弹杀伤 与防卫效率的关系

  • There were changes in the size shape and distribution of niobium phases in the heat affected zone and close to the fusion zone grain boundary were found melted .

    此外,在热影响区铌相的尺寸、分布和形状发生了改变,紧靠熔合 线 区域发生 晶界液化。

  • Study on Interaction Course between Second Phase Particle and Its Precipitate Free Zone and Grain Boundary for Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy

    Al-Zn-Mg-Cu合金第二相粒子及其无析出 晶界的作用过程研究

  • A zone constituting an imprecise boundary .

    包括不精确 边界 地区

  • The K Method for Estimation of Earthquake Activity Parameters and the Effect of the Source Zone Boundary Uncertainty ── Discussion about Seismic Zoning Methods

    地震活动性参数估计的K方法及潜在震源 边界不确定性的影响

  • Qingchuan fault zone is an important tectonic boundary separating the Longmenshan tectonic belt and Motianling tectonic belt .

    青川断裂 是一条位于龙门山构造带与摩天岭构造带之间的重要构造 边界

  • Longmenshan fault zone being collision boundary of Chuan Qing with Yangtze block is charactered by especial tectonic and segmentation .

    龙门山断裂构造 作为川青地块与扬子地块的碰撞 边界,具有特殊的构造性质及明显的分段性。

  • The reservoirs in Nanyang Depression are mainly distributed in maturation zone and boundary of source rock on the plane and mainly distributed in H2 and H3 Members on vertical direction ; the reservoir is the oil gas assemblage of self-generation and self-accumulation .

    南阳凹陷油气藏类型,平面上,主要分布在烃源岩成熟 边缘;纵向上,主要分布于核二段和核三1段,为自生自储式。

  • Culick but the motion of the Combustion Zone boundary is considered .

    Culick教授物理模型的基础上,考虑了燃烧 边界的移动。

  • There are different patterns such as hinge zone at the boundary phase transformation hinge ring in the middle of the plate and continuous hinge zone may form under step load .

    阶跃载荷作用下,会在 边界形成相变铰区、中部铰带以及连续的铰 等不同形式。

  • The basic FEM equation is introduced from the variation principle of elastic mechanics . The numerical and analytical solutions of the vector are derived at any point of the wearing zone boundary on the inner wall .

    由弹性力学变分原理引入有限单元法基本方程,进而给出了磨损 区域 边界上任意点法向量解析解和数值解的方法。