zone phenomenon


  • Elimination of zone phenomenon in immunological fecal occult blood test of spa for colorectal cancer screening

    大肠癌普查筛检指标SPA免疫便潜血试验 现象消除的研究

  • Through the simulation the water film approximately parallel zone the second peak pressure necking and reflux phenomenon and other lubrication characteristics are analyzed and the water sac formation mechanism is described . 2 .

    通过仿真计算,分析了水膜近似平行 、二次压力峰值、颈缩以及逆流 现象等润滑特征,阐述了水囊形成机理。

  • The mechanism of dead zone error in closed-loop fiber optic gyroscope was studied in this paper and the phenomenon of the dead zone error was simulated .

    研究了闭环光纤陀螺中 死区误差的产生机理,并对死区 现象进行了仿真。

  • The geological disasters are frequently met with in the engineering construction such as landslide avalanche collapsing mud-rock flow fault zone shifting sand ground water limestone cave etc. In most of them the landslide is a common phenomenon .

    工程建设中,经常会遇到不良地质灾害,比如滑坡、崩塌、坍塌、泥石流、断裂 、流砂、地下水、溶洞等,其中滑坡是较 常见的一种地质灾害。

  • The practice of Baiyin Western Economic Development Zone is widely representative of the phenomenon transition from development zone to comprehensive new town .

    白银西区经济开发 的发展实践,在我国 城市开发区向综合性新城( )转型 过程中具有较为普遍的代表性。

  • Coastal zone joints marine system and land system so it is very active and has the most complex phenomenon and activity of the earth surface . Also it has abundance resource and its environment is very preponderance .

    海岸 作为海洋系统与陆地系统相连接、复合、交叉融通的地理 地带,既是地球表面最为活跃, 现象与过程最为丰富的自然区域,也是资源类别、品种、环境条件最为优越的区域。

  • The emergence of new and high technology industrial development zone ( hereinafter referred as hi-tech zone ) is an important economic and social phenomenon in the process of Chinese reform and opening up program .

    高新技术产业开发区(高新 )的出现是中国改革开放进程中一个十分重要的经济社会 现象

  • This method has no impact on the quality of the grid-connected current the non-detection zone is small and it can detect the Islanding phenomenon effectively .

    该方法基本不对并网电流质量产生影响,检测 盲区小,能有效并迅速的检测孤岛 现象的发生。

  • The construction of fire zone modeling involves two crucial steps : : establishing mathematical model for every phenomenon existing in course of a fire and calculating some fire parameters such as compartment pressure temperature and height of smoke layer by solving equations .

    建筑火灾 区域模拟的工作核心有两部分:建立火灾发展过程中各个 现象的数学模型;通过求解数学方程式得到室内压力、温度和烟气层高度等火灾参数。

  • From the distribution of velocity a great velocity gradient can be seen in the zone with 2 D distance to the wall . The phenomenon was due to the boundary flow and reverse flow near the wall .

    冲击射流近壁处存在着 回流 现象,由于边界层流动和近壁回流引起距离固壁2D 的速度梯度变化较大。

  • The cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry results have revealed that the potential zone where VCF phenomenon appears accords with that of the water electrolysis .

    为搞清电控摩擦 现象与金属/润滑液界面电化学反应之间的关系,进一步测量了循环伏安曲线和不同电极电势下的电流-时间曲线,结果显示电控摩擦 效应出现在水 发生电解的电势 区间

  • The dead zone phenomenon occurs in electro-hydraulic servo system the output of such systems corresponding to a sinusoidal input contains higher harmonic besides the fundamental which causes the system output distortion and has effects on system analysis .

    由于电液伺服系统 死区 非线性的存在,在正弦信号输入时,系统输出中存在高次谐波,使系统输出信号严重失真,对系统性能分析造成影响。

  • Among them the grain size in the mixed zone is minute while in the stir zone there is a coarsening phenomenon .

    其中混合区的晶粒最为细小,搅拌 的晶粒 发生长大。

  • The direction of helicopter tail drive is high-efficiency high-speed high precision and high load capacity which may caused the system entering the resonance zone and may caused of resonance phenomenon .

    直升机尾传动系统日益向高效率、高速度、高精度、高承载能力方向发展,这就有可能使系统进入共振 而发生共振 现象

  • As the tunnel entrance has its own characteristics compared with other sections : surrounding rock is generally seriously weathered ; there are many joints faults fractured zone and the phenomenon of the shallow and eccentric compression is very common .

    作为隧道咽喉的洞口段与其他地段相比有着自身的特点:隧道洞口段围岩一般风化严重,节理、断层、破碎 多且经常存在浅埋偏压的 现象