


  • The results showed that the effective concentration ( EC50 ) values of this antibiotics against mycelium growth zoospore release and germination were 39.22 μ g / mL 、 335.63 μ g / mL and 22.13 μ g / mL respectively . Control effect was tested on detached-leaf trials .

    结果表明,其对马铃薯晚疫病菌菌丝生长, 游动 孢子释放和萌发的抑制中浓度分别为39.22μg/mL、335.63μg/mL和22.13μg/mL。

  • Hyphae blocks and zoospore from hybrids and their parents of Phytophthora cactorum were inoculated in autoclaved soil and natural soil to culture for 2 ~ 3d .

    将恶疫霉突变株及其有性杂交后代的菌丝块(2mm×2mm)和 游动 孢子接种于灭菌土或自然土中,对它们的生长状况和 游动 孢子萌发 进行研究。

  • The resistance to metalaxyl of Mtr isolate was inherited stably and they did not show variation from the first zoospore progeny to the third zoospore progeny .

    Mtr 性状无性后代稳定遗传,在游动孢子后代连续三代未发生抗药性分离。

  • Changes of cellulase activities and zoospore numbers of buffalo rumen fungi on different diet in vitro

    不同日粮条件 下水牛瘤胃真菌纤维素酶活力的体外研究

  • A Study on the Soma Growth and Zoospore Germination of Hybrids of Phytophthora cactorum in Soil

    恶疫霉有性杂交后代在土壤中的生长和 游动 孢子萌发研究

  • In addition the zoospore germination was significantly inhibited by the extract .

    同时 可以显著抑制 辣椒 疫病 病菌 游动 孢子的萌发 速度 萌发率。

  • The production condition of zoospore of P. sojae was studied . The results showed that the mycelia could be induced to produce sporangia that released zoospores by changing intermittently .

    对大豆疫霉 游动 孢子的产生条件的研究表明,间歇性地给菌丝 可以诱导菌丝产生孢子囊,进而释放游动孢子。

  • The results were obtained as follows : 1 . Three sporangia of P. sojae were isolated and zoospores were induced to release successfully . The single – zoospore isolates from the same sporangium were obtained finally .

    成功分离了三个大豆疫霉单 游动孢子囊,并诱导游动孢子释放,建立了共95个单 菌系。

  • The resistance to metalaxyl of M r t single zoospore isolates reduced or lost gradually and the ratio of M r t to M s t of their zoospore progenies fell correspondingly after 10 14 days growth on the metalaxyl free lima bean agar medium ( LBA ) .

    Mrt单 游动 孢子株在不含甲霜灵的利马豆培养基(LBA)平板上培养10~14d后对甲霜灵的抗性下降或丧失,其游动孢子后代中Mrt个体比例相应减少;

  • Biological characteristics of randomly selected 32 hybrids were tested in growth rate sexual and asexual reproduction capacity oospore and zoospore germination rate pathogenicity and tolerance towards high temperature .

    对其中32株杂交个体的生长速率、有性和无性繁殖能力、卵孢子和 游动 孢子萌发率、致病力及对高温的耐受力等生物学性状进行测定。

  • Observation zoospore ultrastructure of polymyxa graminis

    禾谷多粘菌 游动 孢子超微结构观察

  • Metalaxyl could significantly inhibit the mycelial growth and sporangium formation however it had no inhibitory effect against zoospore cyst germination and sporangium ( germination . )

    甲霜灵对菌丝生长和孢子囊形成有显著的抑制作用,但对 休止 和孢子囊萌发基本无影响;

  • In a greenhouse the young tissue when sprayed with zoospore suspensions develops dieback which becomes light to dark brown in 2 ~ 3 days .

    嫩梢上的病斑在2~3天内发展成浅褐色至暗褐色的 病斑

  • The structure of rohr and stachel which formed rapidly while the zoospore was encysting and penetrating the root cell and the details of the zoospore penetration were also observed under electron microscope .

    同时也在电镜下观察了 游动 孢子接触和穿透根细胞时所形成的管腔(Rohr)和棘杆( Stachel)以及游动孢子穿透细胞壁的详细过程。

  • The biological characteristics of growth rate and colony morphology of single – zoospore isolates were studied .

    研究了单 分离物菌落形态和菌丝生长速率。

  • Zoospore An asexual motile spore produced by a zoosporangium .
