
[ʌɡ, ʌk][ʌg, ʌk]


  • Ugh . I hated that question .


  • Ugh I thought you were rachel !


  • Ugh I remember thinking . I wanted my life to account for more than that .


  • Linda : Ugh I can 't believe you read this junk .

    ,我 不敢相信你 竟然读这种垃圾。

  • Ugh — it was horrible .


  • Ugh how hard it is !


  • Ugh ! You 're eating snails !


  • I 've got to talk to her . ugh I hate this part .

    我要和她说 明白。我恨这一部分。

  • Ugh another advertisement they have add two hours of advertisement to a two hours movie .


  • You know in the Ugh I feel so fat in these jeans vein of griping .

    就是 那种,我穿这牛仔裤好显胖 ”之类的谈话。

  • The beans taste so bitter that even the monkeys say ugh ! and run away .

    豆子的味道很苦以至猴子会“ !”然后跑掉。

  • You may also be thinking Ugh thank god we can all forget about Twilight after this year !

    你也许在想, !感谢上帝,今年之后我们可以完全忘记《暮光之城》的 折磨了!

  • The first thought in your head should not be ugh or Is it Friday yet ?

    早晨 醒来,你脑海中 闪过的第一个念头不应该是 或星期五了么?

  • And uh I just sit there and I 'm & I 'm just falling asleep in class and I ugh I can 't stand it .

    呃,我只是坐在课堂上,我⋯我只想打瞌睡。我, ,我真受不了。

  • Ugh he makes juvie hall seem like vacation .


  • Thanks ! Ugh I can 't believe you 're not gonna be there !

    谢谢,不敢相信你居然 不和我们一起去!

  • I got a good feeling about number eight ! Ugh .

    我对第八所 大学很有信心。

  • Put up your hands this time I am going to ugh okay what 's the argument indicator in this one .

    这次 举手我就,好,这个论点的指示

  • Ugh ! And then I realized it was just morning sickness .


  • Ugh I 've got something horrible on the bottom of my shoe !


  • Jeanie : A lizard ! Ugh that would give me the creeps .

    珍妮:蜥蜴! 哎呀,这会让我毛骨悚然。

  • WHAT YOU HEAR : Ugh your problems are so simple – just fix it .

    你的理解: ,你的问题这么简单&只要解决就好了。

  • Ugh ! I want to move out and live on my own .


  • Through the whole term I was thinking ugh what have I got myself in for .

    虽然整个学期我都在想,我这是在 干吗

  • Benjamin : Ugh excuse me where is the Lost and Found ?

    本杰明: ,打扰一下,失物招领 处在哪里?

  • Oh no you-you don 't understand . ugh this is so silly . umm this is all because of a sandwich .

    哦不,你不明白,这好象有点 傻气,这都只是因为我的三明治。

  • Ugh ! I forgot to pick up a towel .


  • A : Ugh ! Your milk has gone bad . I can smell it from here .

    !你们家牛奶坏了。我 @里都闻得到。

  • Ugh I sounded stupid as school boy .


  • Ugh I made a mess I grumbled .
