Terse and profuse he has an unexceptionable ability of wording and phrasing which came from his rich experience and profound thinking .
简洁凝练而又含蕴 丰厚, 老舍具有 极高 的 谴词造句的能力,这是与他深刻的思想见解和丰富的 生活阅历分不开的;
Two unexceptionable witnesses ; a judge 's ethics should be unexceptionable .
两个 无懈可击的证据;一个法官的道德应该是无懈可击的。
The study leads to use natural resources comprehensively and reduces the environment pollution at the same time therefore it has unexceptionable economic social and ecological benefit .
该研究充分利用了黑液中的 有机 物资源,减少了环境污染,具有 较好的经济、社会和生态效益。
The candidate was quite unexceptionable a well-known travel writer and TV personality
候选人是一位知名的游记作家,也是电视名人, 基本上 无可挑剔。
Mrs. Renfrew the colonel 's widow was not only unexceptionable in point of breeding but also interesting on the ground of her complaint .
伦费鲁太太是上校的遗孀,不仅在教养方面 无懈可击,而且她的抱怨也耐人寻味。
Her unexceptionable behaviour conduct etc.
她 那 无 可 指摘的行为、品行等。
Mr. Weston was a man of unexceptionable character easy fortune .
韦斯顿先生人品 出众, 广 有钱财。
Dangling participle is regarded as the solecism in prescriptive grammar which is not unexceptionable because there are many exceptions which are considered acceptable .
英语悬垂分词被规定语法( prescriptivegrammar)视为语法错误,然而,不少例外又可以被接受,这使得这 条 规则不能 自圆其说。
Mr. Weston was a man of unexceptionable character easy fortune suitable age and pleasant manners .
魏斯吞先生 有 无可非议的品德、富裕的家产、合适的年龄和愉快的态度。
The school 's unexceptionable purpose is to involve parents more closely in the education of their children .
学校的目的 无非是让家长更多地参与孩子的教育。