

  • What explains the relative unimportance then of the RRR in tightening and loosening ?

    那么,又该如何解释为什么存准率对 收紧和放松货币政策 意义 不大呢?

  • Device context is a new idea that the Microsoft Company proposed in order to achieve unimportance . It is so important in Windows programming that every programmer must have a good command of it .

    设备环境( DC)是Microsoft公司为了实现设备 无关性而引入的一个概念,它在Windows程序设计中占有很重要的地位,是每个Windows程序员必须掌握的。

  • Industry experts consider that the most unimportance index is Communication with the postal knowledge .

    业界专家最 重视的指标是通信与邮政知识。

  • We have been together the that long time I thought I as if am you you compared to my even more unimportance I really are unable to imagine as if how if I haven 't run into your me the life am !

    我们相处了那么长的时间,我觉得我似乎就是你,似乎你比我自己更加的 重要,我真的无法想象如果我没有遇到你我的生活是怎样的!

  • User 's increase meant sales personnel 's busy the market competition meant intensely the public relations work the unimportance the medical drugs increase meant the sales management wants the nature .

    用户的增加意味着销售人员的繁忙,市场竞争的激烈意味着公关工作的 重要,医疗药品的增加意味着销售管理的要性。

  • One way in which the Shurangama Sutra shows the unimportance of these spiritual experiences is by changing the language .

    了解 观点 来讲,《 楞严经》能够显示,这种修行上的 境界并不是 重要的, 因为它用了一种不同的语言。

  • The aging effect was significant when prospective memory tasks were unimportance and ambiguity .

    前瞻记忆任务 特性影响老化效应。

  • A great many worries can be diminished by realizing the unimportance of the matter which is causing the anxiety .

    一旦 我们认识到 焦虑并不 那么重要, 我们的许多烦恼就会跟着减少。

  • Their popularity might reflect the unimportance of the phone part of the phablet : Who makes phone calls anymore ?

    这样的人气可能反映了平板手机的手机部分 并不 重要:如今谁还打电话呢?

  • Again now the prevailing opinion seems to consider the defeat of the Japanese as of relative unimportance and that Hitler is our first concern .

    是,就现时流行之意见 而言又似认为击败日本,为目前比较 次要 事,而 吾人首应对付者,则为希特勒。

  • It lent the conversation below an air of unimportance of distance & murder and treachery seemed the names of faraway places .

    这样的下午,给下面的谈话 注入微不足道的、遥远的气氛&谋杀和叛国,似乎是发生在很远的地方。

  • They discussed and argued joined clubs held debates wrote books and produced movies all about the issue of the importance or unimportance of the color violet .

    关于紫色重要不 重要的问题,他们讨论、争辩,加入俱乐部举行研讨,写书和拍电影。

  • Academic experts think that the most unimportance index is learning and innovation . 4 .

    学界专家最 重视的指标是学习与创新。