


v.使不相宜,使不合格( unfit的过去式和过去分词 )

  • A bad attack of lumbago unfitted him for work in the garden .

    一阵厉害的 腰疼 使不宜园子里的工作。

  • Until the crisis struck the conventional wisdom was that Mr Brown was a tragic-comic figure : a man who had desperately wanted to be prime minister but had proved hopelessly unfitted to the task .

    在这场危机降临之前,人们的一般看法是,布朗是一位带悲剧色彩的滑稽人物: 一心要当首相,却无望地证明 适合这一职位。

  • These issues in the financing structure directly reflect on corporate governance structure such as serious internal person control problem unfitted stimulation and supervision mechanism and lagging in institutional investor development .

    这些融资结构上的问题,直接导致我国上市公司在治理结构上表现为,内部人控制问题严重,激励和监督机制 健全,机构投资者发展滞后。

  • Unhappily Taft was temperamentally unfitted to play the role that history demanded .

    不幸的是, 塔夫脱性格 适于扮演当时历史条件要求 扮演的角色。

  • Along with the progress of industrialization and informatization numerous skilled works which is unfitted for civil servants emerged from different government departments . Under such circumstances Government Employee System is created .

    随着信息化和工业化的发展,政府部门出现了许多公务员 难以 胜任的技术性工作,政府雇员制就应运而生。

  • An unfitted interface penalty finite element method with weighted average for elliptic interface problems is considered .

    本文研究椭圆界面问题的带加权平均的 匹配界面罚有限元方法。

  • He would again and again allege that he was wholly unfitted to new duties .

    他一再指出,他完全 适合 担任新的职务。

  • On analysis of these two challenge this paper discusses some unfitted conditions and difficulties in the current course teaching system and finally puts forward some considerations and new movements to refine the information retrieval course systems .

    本文在分析了两种挑战的基础上,讨论了 现行 课教学体系的 完备性与面临的困难,最终提出了完善文献检索课程体系 建设的设想与 举措

  • The weak-light stimulator and surface-electrode are used to overcome the subject 's unfitted sense led by Ganzifield stimulator and the cornea-touch electrode .

    系统采用弱光刺激和表面电极记录,克服了传统的强光刺激及角膜电极记录给被试者带来的不适感和 后遗影响。

  • However recent years the nonlinear models are challenged by scholars because many studies indicate that the EMH unfitted with the reality .

    然而近几年来线性范式受到了 空前的挑战,这主要是因为有不少的实证研究表明有效市场假设与事实

  • Traditional costing management system has become unfitted for the development of the modern companies .

    传统成本管理系统越来 适应企业的要求。

  • The parameter of the pore water pressure and soil pressure are unfitted as the monitoring and forecasting index for bank collapse .

    内部孔隙水压力及土压力参数 适合作为崩岸的监测预测指标。

  • According to Adler only children overprotected and made fearful by cosseting are generally unfitted for life . They are sure to meet with disasters along life 's way .

    阿德勒认为,独生子女受到过度保护,因溺爱而变得可怕,他们通常 适应生活,一定会在生活中遭遇灾难。

  • He can not perceive many phenomena of the society and exhibits a series of unfitted symptoms : depression agony alienation and inner-most conflicts in his psychology and behavior .

    他理解不了社会的很多现象,在心理和行为上他表现出一系列的 适应症状:压抑、痛苦、疏离、矛盾重重。

  • Years of work in Africa unfitted him for life in a cold country .

    多年在非洲工作 使难以 适应寒冷国家的生活。

  • These were most commonly unfitted items such as capes shawls and other loose fitting wraps .

    这些制成品一般都是 合体的物品,比如披肩、围巾和其他宽松的外套。

  • Owing to the unfitted management in the construction or rather complex geological conditions it often causes defects in the bodies of the static compressive vibro pulling-sinking cast-in-place piles . The existence of these defects will bring severe influence to the qualities of pile foundation projects .

    静压 振拔沉管灌注桩,由于施工时管理不善或地质条件相对复杂时,常会使桩体造成缺陷,这些缺陷桩的存在,将对桩基工程质量带来严重的影响。

  • They introduced western styles of education which unfitted people for a constructive role in society .

    他们引进了 使不能在社会上发挥 创造作用的西方教育模式。

  • After two unsuccessful years as a student it was agreed that Darwin was unfitted for medicine .

    作为学生, 进步,两年后,大家一致认为: 达尔文 适合 医。