It was a clear and unemotional exposition of the President 's reasons for willing to begin a Chinese-American dialogue .
这 篇 发言清楚明白、 心平气和 地说明了总统希望开始中美对话的原因。
And then he says 3 words-the most unemotional 3 words I 've ever heard . He says Brace for impact .
然后他说了几个字,我听过最 不 带 情绪的几个字,他说,即将迫降,小心冲击。
When solving simple unemotional questions people perform equally well in their native and second languages .
面对简单 而且 不 影响 情绪的问题,人们用母语和外语时的表现相同。
It has been assumed that short-term thinking is a result of the pressure for quarterly results but research in neuroscience suggests it is caused by the corporate preference for objective unemotional decision making .
人们有一种假设,认为短期思维是季报压力所致。但神经学研究表明,企业选择客观、 不 掺杂 情感 因素的决策方式,才导致了短期思维。
Be as practical and as unemotional as you can be and show good follow-through .
作为实际和 冷静,你可以,并显示良好的后续行动。
My father was a remote and unemotional man .
我父亲是个冷淡、 不 动 感情的人。
He described his role in a few bald unemotional sentences .
他用几句 不 加 掩饰 的 毫无 感情的话来讲他的作用。
He sounded matter-of-fact and unemotional .
他语气平静, 毫 不 动情。
He 's quiet unemotional and rarely does televised interviews because he speaks English as a second language .
他的 个性沉默 木讷, 也很少接受电视访问因为英语是他的第二语言。
The tone of his poetry is restrained and unemotional .
他诗歌的格调拘谨 而 含蓄。
She began to read in a brisk unemotional voice
她念了起来, 语调 利落 而 平静。
Mercury is the planet that rules communication thinking perception research and all logical objective and unemotional parts of life .
水星是主宰交流、思维、认识、研究和所有生活中逻辑的、客观的、 非 感性的部分的 星星。
Tenma ` s unemotional love for Toby is a typical Chinese father-son relationship .
天马博士给予托比的那段 不露声色的父爱正是典型的中国式父子关系。
IT WAS a hard-eyed unemotional get-together .
这是一场就事论事, 不 动 感情的会面。
He was unemotional quite quiet and reserved
他 感情 淡漠,沉默寡言, 性格内敛。
I know it 's nothing serious and I feel quite unemotional about it .
我知道那根本没什么大 不了的, 所以 有些 无动于衷。
The classic style is straightforward unadorned unemotional .
古典风格直率、朴实无华, 且 不 渲染 感情。
I can become totally devoid of feelings of others unemotional .
我完全感受不到别人的 痛苦。
Her reply was crisp and unemotional .
她的回答很干脆, 不 带 丝毫 感情。
Even such an opinion should be expressed in unemotional terms .
即使是这样的意见 也应该 心平气和 地 陈述。
This irrational fear was making her stiff formal and unemotional when she needed to emote to promote her organization 's good work around the world .
当她需要在世界各地声情并茂地宣扬所在组织的杰出工作时,这种非理性的恐惧让她变得非常拘谨,过于正式, 显得 无动于衷。
British men are often seen as being reserved and unemotional
英国男人常被认为是矜持而 冷漠的。
The rituals may vary but it 's best to keep them simple and unemotional .
这些暗示可以有所不同,但 越简单 越好, 不 参杂 情绪在 里面。
D'Urberville mechanically lit a cigar and the journey was continued with broken unemotional conversation on the commonplace objects by the wayside .
德贝维尔呆板地点上一支雪茄烟,接着就上路了,沿途就路边一些普通景物断断续续 地不带 感情地说 些 闲话。
The voice was quiet unemotional courteous .
那声音听上去平静、 恬淡、有礼貌。
The brave man has been compared to Arnold Schwarzeneggers character The Terminator due to his calm unemotional approach .
由于他冷静、 镇定的做法,这个勇敢的男人已经被人们拿来与阿诺德-施瓦辛格扮演的终结者相比。
An aloof unemotional person .
冷淡的 、 没有人 情味的人。