Hence when aa ground fissure or its underlying fault is located in the outer radial tension zone the movement of ground fissure would be accelerated by groundwater pumping .
当地裂缝及其 下 伏断层或裂隙位于抽水活动引起的径向拉张应变区域时,地裂缝将出现加速 活动;
The pulse fluctuation of terrestrial heat flow may affect the background thermal pattern of the underlying surface of the atmospheric system and the movement of airflow so as to affect the spatial distribution of rainfall and humidity of the regional climate .
大地热流的脉动影响区域大气系统 下 垫面的热力背景和气流 运动,从而影响降水的分布和区域气候的干湿程度;
Protein-protein interaction networks orchestrate cellular dynamics and constitute the plasticity underlying cell growth movement and specification .
蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用网络调控着细胞的动力学,构成了细胞生长, 运动和分化的 可塑性。
Mechanism underlying the changes in respiratory movement in respiratory distress syndrome caused by oleic acid in rabbits
家兔油酸型呼吸窘迫综合征呼吸 运动变化的 机制
And to the problems of special distribution of underlying assets this paper analyzes the price movement of the underlying assets from the arrival of information the market efficiency and the market mechanism which decide the price .
对 实物资产的特殊价值分布问题,本文从决定资产价格的市场机制、信息到达方式及市场效率三方面来分析实物资产的价格 变动特征;
Wind force sand source eolian sand flow underlying surface and ground surface terrain are the five basic elements that compose the system of eolian sand movement .
确定风、沙源、风沙流、 下 垫面和沙地地表形态是构成风沙 运动体系的5个基本要素。
Again he wanted to say that the underlying substance has primary qualities shape size movement texture and solidity .
他想再次强调, 内在物质具有第一性,如形状,大小, 动作,材质和凝性。
The exhaustion doctrine is based on the underlying theory of free movement of goods and equilibrium of interests .
商品自由 流通和利益平衡是权利穷竭原则 赖以成立的两个相辅相成的理论支柱。
Duchenne believed that one could gain insight into the ways the face expresses emotions by studying the muscles underlying facial movement .
杜氏认为,一个人通过学习 基本脸部 运动,可以洞悉肌肉表达情感的方式。
If a db2move operation is to succeed the requesting user ID must have the correct authorization required by the underlying DB2 data movement utilities .
如果db2move操作想要成功执行,所使用的用户ID必须具有 底层DB2数据 移动工具所需要的适当授权。
美[ˈʌndɚˌlaɪɪŋ ˈmuvmənt]英[ˌʌndəˈlaiiŋ ˈmu:vmənt]