In a hard-hitting speech to the IMF he urged third world countries to undertake sweeping reforms .
在向国际货币基金组织所作的一次言辞激烈的演讲中,他敦促第三世界国家 实行彻底改革。
These jobs need to be under effective organization and management just may undertake in order .
这些工作需在有效的组织和治理之下才可能有序地 进行。
Do not undertake strenuous exercise for a few hours after a meal to allow food to digest
饭后几个小时不要 从事剧烈运动,以便食物能够消化。
If you undertake the project you are bound to encounter difficulties .
如果你 承接这项工程的话,免不了会遇到许多困难。
We shall undertake the construction of this bridge .
我们将 负责这座桥的修建工程。
Replacement is guaranteed if the products are not up to the standard . ; We undertake to replace the specifications .
产品不合规格,保证 退换。
Their brief is to undertake outreach work aimed at young African Caribbeans on the estate .
他们的任务是为该住宅区年轻的非洲裔加勒比海人提供 外展服务。
The Lawyer may refuse to undertake a case which appears to him unsound .
律师可能拒绝 承办他认为站不住脚的案件。
We can 't undertake the work for the time being .
我们暂时不能 开始这项工作。
Do you have the appropriate toolbox to undertake your research ?
你有适当的工具箱 承担你的研究吗?
Superpotent atom Smashers will undertake the quark quest in the1980s .
超高效的粒子加速器将于80年代 投入夸克探索的工作之中。
Firms must take care to allocate sufficient resources to supervise adequately those activities that they choose to undertake .
她表示:各公司务必注意配置足够的资源,对它们选择从事的活动 实施充分的监督。
We also undertake research of key projects of national and provincial level .
我们还 承担了国家级、省级重点课题的研究。
We want all our members to undertake this trip responsibly with their eyes open .
我们希望所有成员都能够 负责 地 开始这次旅程,做到心中有数。
It is important to undertake analysis and evaluation are to traffic current situation often the job .
对交通现状 进行分析和评价是一项重要的经常的工作。
The enterprises are entitled to undertake certain projects for technological transformation .
企业有权 自行 安排某些技术改造项目。
Regency Opera have scored something of a coup by persuading her to undertake the role .
I can 't undertake that you will win in the election .
我不能 保证你在选举中会赢。
She undertook the arduous task of monitoring the elections .
她 承担 了监督选举的艰巨任务。
If you will undertake the affair I shall be very grateful .
要是你愿意 承办这件事,我将不胜感激。
The article classified the potential benefit of system and besmear cloth technology to undertake assessment to new coated paper .
本文对新的涂布纸分类系统和涂布技术的潜在效益 进行了评估。
You can only undertake mammoth changes if the finances are there
资金到位的情况下方可 进行重大变革。
The jury is still out on what kind of solutions we might undertake .
尚未确定我们可能 采取何种解决办法。
The infringer of malice registration and use should undertake civil administrative and criminal responsibility .
侵权人恶意注册和使用域名的应当 承担民事责任、行政责任和刑事责任。
Because you must undertake communicating with the netizen in forum have a corrupt practice so .
因为你必须和论坛里的网民 进行交流,这样就有一个弊端。
Both sides undertake to facilitate further cultural exchanges .
双方 承诺为进一步开展文化交流创造便利条件。
Undertake international development and outsourcing services to China is of great significance .
发展和 承接国际服务外包对我国具有重要意义。
This was a dangerous strategy for a disabled programmer to undertake .
对一个 身患残疾的程序员,这无疑是一个危险的策略。
Instead of civil suits or modest inheritance and divorce cases they are eager to undertake lucrative notarial work for new companies real estate firms and the like .
对于大量的民事诉讼,如家庭纠纷、家庭小额遗产以及离婚等等,律师不愿意去 做,他们更愿意 做上市公司见证和房地产等赚钱的经济案件。
He undertook to edit the text himself .
他 答应亲自编辑正文的内容。