



  • Lord fletcher said the bishop was a man of unimpeachable integrity and character .

    主教说道,弗莱彻勋爵是一位正直高尚,品格上 指摘的人。

  • In debt markets assets of unimpeachable quality ( namely G7 government bonds ) though expensive will likely get more so .

    在债券市场,质量 无懈可击的资产(如七国集团的政府债券),尽管昂贵,却更有 可取之处。

  • They had lounged away in a poverty-stricken purposeless accidental manner quite natural and unimpeachable .

    人们都走开了。他们穷,行动都很偶然没有目的。这很自然,也 无懈可击

  • It is the revenge that nature takes on persons of unimpeachable character .

    这是自然对 人品 的人的报复。

  • Your testimony on this matter is hardly unimpeachable .

    在这个问题上你的 辩驳很难说是 无懈可击的。

  • Willoughby Pattern is a man of unimpeachable honour .

    威洛比·帕忒恩是个 指责 高尚的人。

  • Works of such unimpeachable greatness ( Musical Heritage Review )

    这样 怀疑的伟大工作(音乐精品回顾)

  • But even if each individual trial was unimpeachable the results would mean very little if there was a systematic bias in favour of a particular kind of result .

    但是,即使单次试验结果的 真实不容置疑,如果系统性偏向某一特定结果,那么试验将 毫无意义。

  • Solomon Gills is in the act of seeing what time it is by the unimpeachable chronometer .

    所罗门·吉尔斯那时正在看他那 完美无缺的精密 计时表,看看是什么时候了。

  • He said all five were men of unimpeachable character .

    他说这五个都是品格 完美无缺的人。

  • All round the table the gentlemen looked unimpeachable in the extreme .

    这些绅士们围着桌子坐着,样子都极端地 无可非议

  • A new unimpeachable charge management system was proposed based on high voltage and low voltage parameters assisted mutually .

    以此 终端依托,提出一种基于高低压参数互补的负荷管理系统。

  • But the latest disclosures about the Oregon Republican 's financial dealings have shattered any remnants of his unimpeachable image .

    可是最近所揭露这位俄勒冈州共和党人的财务行为,把他 指责的形象破坏无遗。

  • Her dramatic gesture underlined the strict rules to which Japan 's young pop stars must adhere to project an image of unimpeachable morals .

    她戏剧性的姿态强调了日本年轻明星必须坚持其 无懈可击的道德楷模形象的严格规定。