Hierarchical top-k query processing algorithm based on histogram is applied in the data management system in P2P network to do top-k query which uni - fies the query over text collections and relational databases .
将基于直方图的分层 Top-k查询算法扩展到P2P环境下的数据库管理系统上,文档集和数据库的查询被 统一 起来, 一致对待。
The conclusion indicates that the relationship between external trade and economic growth remains steady for a long time the output elasticity of import trade is bigger and there is a uni - direction causality between export and economic growth .
研究表明,对外贸易与经济增长存在长期的稳定关系,且进口的产出弹性相对较大,出口与经济增长之间存在 单项 的因果关系。
The paper points out that : the theory should be : uni - ty of theory and practice ;
通过对企业家政府理论进行深入考察得出几点启示:一是坚持理论与实践的 统一;
Under the condition of uni - form environmental winds the typhoon movement is subject to the advection of the basic flow . β effects and transverse acceleration to the left of the steering flow which is the dominant force .
The implementation in this paper is based on TJ - PCI4W high speed synchronizing communication board and pSoS real - time operation system . It has realized the basic UNI and PVC LMI and can operate as DTE and DCE .
该实现基于 TJ-PCI4W高速同步通讯板和pSoS实时操作系统,实现了基本的 UNI 接口及PVCLMI管理规程,可以工作在DTE和DCE两种模式之下。
The conflict between uni polarization and multi - polarization is the principal contradiction in the present world .
单极与多极的矛盾是当今世界的主要矛盾,其性质 虽然 是 对抗性的。
The result of pit planting experiment and statistical test also showed that this technique had an uni - formal effect on promoting cane stalk thicker plant length longer and the internode more elongating from the outset of elongation stage .
穴植试验调查和统计结果还表明:此项技术,从甘蔗拔节开始,即能 均匀促进蔗茎粗、节间长、株高的作用。
When the content of fly ash is 10 wt % the 28 - day strength was 7 MPa bigger than the strength of uni doped SCG 60 - day and 90 - day on average was only 3.5 MPa .
当粉煤灰的掺量在10wt%时,28天强度比 单掺自燃煤矸石的体系强度要高近7MPa,而60天、90天平均增加仅为 3.5MPa。
Design and Realization of ATM E1 UNI Adapter Design of 1553B Interface in Adapters
ATM E1 用户 -网络接口适配器的设计和实现
For different story uni - ts of structure the theory of structural perturbations is used . The correct calculation formulation of free vibration frequency is obtained .
对于各层结构不同的 高层建筑、应用结构 摄动理论取得了结构自振频率的修正计算公式。
Pulse plating has the following advantages over the conventional DC electro - plating : 1 、 It greatly improves the quality of deposits turning out bright and uni - form plated coatings with greatly reduced porosity and improving their property of resisting to corrosion .
脉冲电镀与传统的直流电镀相比有如下的优点:1、镀件质量高 。主要表现为:降低镀层孔隙率,可得到 光亮 均匀致密的镀层,可大大提高镀层的抗腐蚀性能;
Examine the performance of Quadrics networks using uni - and bi-directional ping benchmarks .
Petrini等使用 单向和双向的ping考查了 Quadrics网络的性能。
Lao-zi 's uni - verse theory derived from the collapse of Propriety and Etiquette system is the most ancient universe the - ory in natural philosophy should not be confused with modern universe theory in the perspective of sci - ence .
老子的 宇宙论,是在三代礼教崩溃的基础上产生的,是一种囊为古老的自然哲学形态的宇宙论,与科学意义上的现代宇宙学不能混同看待。
Objective To compare the clinical effects of the reconstruction with uni - and double-bundle for the posterior cruciate ligament ( PCL ) under arthroscopy .
目的分析比较关节镜下单束 单隧道与 双束股骨双隧道重建后十字韧带(PCL)术后的临床效果。
Design and Implementation of the GUI Subsystem in the ASON - UNI Interface Simulation System
自动交换光网络(ASON) UNI接口仿真系统的GUI子系统设计与实现
The distribution of chemical compositions is uni - form within each gold grain .
微细 金球颗粒内化学成分分布较 均匀。
In this paper We prove that the orthogonal condition to solve the uni - form asymptotic solution of second order linear P.D. E in periodic region is the necessary and sufficient condition .
本文证明了求解周期区域上的二阶线性偏微分方程的 一致有效 渐近解的正交条件是充分和必要的。
To promote productivity is the basis and core of the three criteria which are uni - fled in the great practice of constructing socialism with Chinese features .
三个标准以发展生产力为基础和核心, 统一于建设有中国特色社会主义的伟大实践中。
These models are called unified mathematical models in this paper because all multi-input and multi-output modal parameter identifying techniques developed in the passed ten years are uni - fied in these models ( this will be shown in the consequent papers ) .
近十年来发展起来的多输入 多输出实验 模态参数识别都是建立在这个模型之上的,在这个意义上,我们称之为多输入多输出实验模态参数识别技术的统一数学模型。
A framework building was demolished using the continuous folding uni - directional collapsing blasting technology .
运用连续折叠 单向倒塌爆破技术拆除了一框架结构的楼房。
The relax structure and the flexible definition of the email bring difficulty to the programs to analysis a uni - formed representation is needed now for applications in emails and managing kinds of messages . XML is a good choice for representing email in a uniformed form .
原始邮件松散的结构和过于灵活的定义给应用程序分析带来了困难,为了给 基于邮件的应用程序开发提供 统一的结构化表示和 统一管理各种消息,可以选择XML来标准化邮件。
Classic real-time scheduling algorithms in uni - processor systems and two typical multi-processor scheduling algorithms are investigated .
分析了 多处理器系统中的典型调度算法:对分布式系统中的两种调度算法: 广义 单调 速率调度和分布式 风车调度 做了简要论述;
For a full rank para Hermite polynomial matrix we transform it into a uni module full rank para Hermite polynomial matrix by para equivalent transform at first then into a full rank constant symmetric matrix and into a J - matrix at last .
对于一个满秩的仿Hermite多项式矩阵,首先用仿等价变换将其变换为 单模的满秩仿Hermite多项式矩阵,进一步再用仿等价变换将其变换为常数满秩矩阵,最后变换为 J-矩阵。
Single-copy for ATM UNI Under Linux
Linux环境下ATM 用户 - 网络 接口的单次拷贝技术