This attitude over the long haul will develop very resentful and uncooperative family members .
这种态度,日积月累,在家人之间就会发展为抱怨和 不和。
The witness was extremely uncooperative .
这个证人极 不 配合。
It would not facilitate matters if you were uncooperative .
如果你 不 合作,事情就不好办了。
You will attest that the captain is not only insulting but uncooperative .
你会证明船长不仅无礼而且 不 合作。
I see that this side is uncooperative .
我看这一边 有些 不 合作。
If the cat is in pain has very strong leg muscles or is uncooperative it may be necessary to use sedation in order to examine the joint thoroughly .
如果猫的痛苦中,具有很强的腿部肌肉,或者是 不 合作的,它可能有必要使用镇静,以彻底的联合检查。
With an uncooperative family and no sources of funding young entrepreneurs face little chance of success .
面对家庭的 不 支持和没有任何资金的来源的情况下,年轻企业家们几乎没有成功的机会。
Space Moving Target Interception Probability of Uncooperative Sensors
非 合作式传感器空间运动目标截获概率研究
But they should be cautious not to be overconfident or interviewers may worry that they will be difficult and uncooperative in the workplace said Liu .
他说:但他们要注意不要过于自信,否则,面试官可能会担心他们很难 胜任工作或在工作中 不 好相处。
The Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development currently lists Liechtenstein as an uncooperative tax haven .
总部位于巴黎的经济合作与发展组织(OECD)目前将列支敦士登列为了 不 合作的避税天堂。
Some of them plainly thought I was being uncooperative .
他们中有些人就是认为我 不予 配合。
If Sergeant Brown is uncooperative be especially brutal with this one .
如果布朗军士还 不 合作,这个就狠打。
This US hostility reinforces the Chinese view that US strategy is to contain and suppress it ; so increasing rather than decreasing the prospect of uncooperative Chinese behaviour .
美国的敌意使中国愈发认为美国的战略是遏制和压制中国,这加大、而非减小了中国 采取 不 合作行为的可能性。
What is it about this outfit that is making everyone so uncooperative ?
为什么这身打扮让每个人都那么 不 合作呢?
In the computer networks because of huge scale uncooperative heterogeneous and distributed administration it is difficult to measure dynamic states and performance of the network directly .
当今网络的大尺度、 不 协作、异质和分布式管理等特点,使得网络状态与性能的直接动态测量很困难。
Horizontal combination The mining unions are probably the most uncooperative of all .
横向合并,同行业合并矿业公会可能是最 不 合作的。
I can relax a horse when it 's being uncooperative . I try not to pick favorites but some of the horses I 've become the most attached to have been especially quirky or eccentric .
当马儿 不 合作时,我能使它们放松。我尽量不挑选我最喜爱的马儿,但是我最喜爱的一些马儿都是特别古怪的。
Research on Incentive Mechanism of Knowledge Sharing within Enterprise under Uncooperative Game
非 合作博弈条件下企业内部知识共享激励机制研究
If there are old son uncooperative we could sue him then .
万一那老小子 不 合作,我们再告他也 不 迟。
She became uncooperative : unwilling to do her homework or help with any household chores .
她变得很 不 合作:不愿做作业,也不愿帮着做家务。
One US study had people rate the obese as awkward lazy uncooperative and unconscientious .
美国的一项研究发现,人们认为胖人笨拙、 懒惰、缺乏团队精神,而且工作不认真尽职。
If your cat is uncooperative find a helper and wrap the cat in a heavy bath towel allowing one paw at a time to stick out .
如果您的猫是 不 合作的,找一个助手,并结束在猫沉重浴巾,允许一个爪子一次伸出。
Obstacles may come in the form of uncooperative people or situations but enormous power will also flow into what you do and help you in many ways .
障碍也许会以 不 合作的人或事来显现,但巨大的力量也会流入你的行动之中,它会在很多方面帮助你。
On Implicature of Uncooperative Phenomenon in Dialogues : No Relation among Wind Horse Cow and Donkey
论会话中的 不 合作现象的含意化&风马牛驴 不 相及
Before you blame me for being uncooperative stubborn or lazy please ask yourself if there 's something might be bothering me .
当你因为责骂我的 不 合作、固执或懒惰之前,请你想想,是否有什么正困扰着我?
Why are you being so uncooperative ? I don 't need this aggro .
你为什么如此 不 合作?这样的麻烦我够多了。
Uncooperative companies have found themselves subject to audits and investigations and often big fines .
一些 不 合作企业成了审计和调查的对象,而且往往被处以巨额罚款。