In his views historicism erroneously used the general methods of physics . History is in the field of value only it has no laws history science method is zero-method .
他认为历史决定论错误地使用了物理学的概括法,历史只是价值领域,历史没有规律,历史科学的方法是 零点 法。
Using the side slope critical slipping field theory method determination side slope sliding surface position then uses the limit zero-method to carry on the computation to the side slope rock mass stability .
应用边坡临界滑移场理论方法确定边坡滑动面的位置,然后采用极限 平衡 法对边坡岩体稳定性进行计算。
The opposite side slope stability carries on the analysis and the appraisal through the limit zero-method moreover also discussed the intensity to fold the subtraction in this slope stable appraisal application .
通过极限 平衡 法 和 有限 元 法对边坡稳定性进行分析与评价,另外也探讨了强度折减法在该边坡稳定性评价的应用。
The first method is uses traditional the security method - rigid body limit zero-method obtains the safety coefficient can satisfy the standard request .
第一种方法是采用传统的安全系数法-刚体极限 平衡 法,求得的安全系数能满足规范要求。
The absorption behavior of chestnut soil in Xining area to Cr ( VI ) was studied with the vibration zero-method .
用振荡 平衡 法研究了西宁地区栗钙土对Cr(VI)的吸附。
[电] 零位法