unilateral act

[ˌjunəˈlætərəl ækt][ˌju:nəˈlætərəl ækt]


  • As to the nature of debt relief there are unilateral act theory and contract theory .

    债务免除的性质向来有 单方 行为和契约两说。

  • In the light of the subject exercising administrative authority and the legal effect of administrative law an administrative contract is a unilateral and particular administrative act .

    从行使行政职权和发生行政法律效果的 行为主体看,行政合同 行为是具体行政 行为,具有 单方面性;

  • On the theory of unilateral act it further discusses the rights and duty of advertisers and designated action executers .

    本文通过对悬赏广告 法律性质不同观点的比较,阐述了 单方法律行为说的恰当性。

  • Decuple Penalty for Fake is the company 's unilateral promise which belong to the unilateral legal act meanwhile It regards business contract as to effective term belonging to the unilateral legal act attached conditions .

    假一罚十是商家的单方允诺,属于 单方法律 行为,它以买卖合同为生效条件,属于附条件的单方法律行为。

  • The legal effect of the unilateral legal act carried on by the persons with limited capacity should also be recallable and the persons with limited capacity can be authorized to take proxy action .

    限制行为能力人的 单方法律 行为效力亦应为可撤销,经授权限制 行为能力人可以从事代理行为。

  • Our country law has made sure the problem that the act of authorization is unilateral act or legal act .

    授权行为究竟应是 单方 行为,还是法律行为,此已被我国法律所确定。

  • From objective aspect support act in secret by unilateral accomplices is combined with perpetration act of the party without knowledge which jointly brings about the occurrence of the results which do harm to the society .

    在客观方面, 片面共犯者的暗中加功行为同不知情一方的实行 行为相结合,共同导致了危害社会结果的发生。

  • Bilateral act has the prior determinative force when both sides agree with each other and for unilateral act it just needs declaration of will of one side .

    双方行为必须在双方当事人意思表示一致的情况下才能具有先定力,而 单方 行为只需有一方的意思表示即可生效。

  • The corporate donation is a unilateral legal act .

    公司捐赠是一种 单方法律 行为