Inquiries under way are bound to unearth more instances of ethically and even legally challenged bankers .
正在进行的调查,必将 发掘 出更多在道德甚至法律方面有欠缺的银行家。
Very rarely miners unearth red diamonds which are sometimes mistaken for garnets or rubies .
有时候,矿工会 把 挖到的红钻 误认作石榴石或红宝石。
The frauds have been unearthed by investigators working for the Camden and Islington Health Authority .
这些欺诈行为已被 卡姆登和伊斯灵顿卫生局的调查人员揭露了 出来。
Explore your life and unearth all of the things that bring you joy .
去探究你的生活,把一切给你带来快乐的事物都 发掘 出来。
But if she kicked this one habit she would unearth deeper problems and start to solve them too .
但如果她从这一积习开刀,她就会 发掘 出更深层次的问题,并且也会着手解决它们。
Fossil hunters have unearthed the bones of an elephant believed to be 500 years old .
化石搜集者们 发掘 出了一 具大象骨骼,据信距今已有50万年。
You will unearth a whole new history .
你们将会 挖掘 出一个完整的新历史。
Download and unearth the journey of a lifetime !
下载并 挖掘的征途上一辈子!
Researchers have unearthed documents indicating her responsibility for the forced adoption of children
调查人员已经 发现了证明她对强制收养儿童 事件负有责任的文件。
What could be simpler put a URL into your address bar and unearth some juicy content .
还有什么简单,放入您的地址栏和 挖掘一些多汁内容的网址。
Today I unearthed a copy of ' 90 Minutes ' and had a chuckle at your article .
今天我 找到了一期《90分钟》杂志,读了你的文章咯咯笑了半天。
I had to unearth the problem and I was looking for a way to explain it .
我必须要 挖掘 出问题所在,而且我试图找到解释。
Your greatest ambition is to discover to unearth to explore .
你最大的愿望是探索和 发现。
They will unearth the buried treasure here .
他们将在这儿 挖掘地下宝藏。
From somewhere he had unearthed a black silk suit
他 不知从哪里找来了一套黑色的丝绸衣服。
Will it unearth anything new or valuable ?
这次 会议会 发现什么有新意、有价值的情况吗?
I 've asked Shirley to see what she can unearth on them .
我已经让雪莉去 调查他们的情况了。