under the guise of

[ˈʌndɚ ði ɡaɪz ʌv][ˈʌndə ðə gaɪz ɔv]


  • He often swaggered and swindled under the guise of the company 's name .

    他经常 假借公司的名义来招摇撞骗。

  • A lot of nonsense is talked under the guise of philosophy .

    假借哲学 名义讲了一大堆的废话。

  • Even one of the most discredited ideas protectionism has gained support under the guise of stimulating the economy .

    连保护主义这种最遭人唾弃的主意之一,也 刺激经济 幌子 得到支持。

  • Often a sales letter will be sent under the guise of an introduction to your firm or to new or revamped products .

    销售信函常以公司介绍、新产品介绍或革新产品介绍 形式发出。

  • In1987 certain merchants under the guise of various joint ventures between Chinese and foreign companies offered large quantities of fraudulent inferior diskettes with the Janus brand name .

    在1987年一些商户 中国的和外国公司之间的各种合资企业为 名义提供大量以贾纳斯为品牌的劣质软盘进行欺诈。

  • Some will be based on misjudgments and others will simply be pretextual-justifying aggression under the guise of pre-emption .

    一些情况可能是建立在判断错误的基础上,其他情况只是 借口,即 预防 伪装 试图证明进攻的正当性。

  • I think people should understand the consequences of what they do under the guise of religion .

    我认为,人们应当知道, 打着宗教 旗号做的一些事,其后果是什么。

  • They probably cased it under the guise of wanting to lease it .

    或许他们想要租这里只是一个 假象

  • We will deal with this matter in another article under the guise of the Service Litmus Test and present criteria to determine whether something should indeed be exposed or not .

    我们将在另一篇 文章“Service LitmusTest”中解决这个问题,并且提出确定是否确实应该公开某些内容的标准。

  • This practice of personal arbitrary action under the guise of collective leadership must be resolutely opposed .

    这种 集体领导 外表 掩盖个人专断的 实质的办法,必须坚决加以反对。

  • After interrogation Lee and others to operate gaming on the city under the guise of the mob confessed to gambling .

    经讯问,李某等人对以经营电玩城为 幌子进行聚众赌博的事实供认不讳。

  • Comparative Study on Higher Education Quality Assurance System between US and Britain ; Dozens of people who knew him were interviewed all under the guise of a routine positive vet .

    认证与 审查:美英两国高等教育质量保证体系之比较我们走访了数十个认识他的人, 装作是进行例证性 晋升审查。

  • They willingly approve courses as part of villa developments or under the guise of promoting sport and healthy outdoor activities .

    它们欣然批准建设高尔夫球场,将其作为别墅开发区的一部分,或 打着促进体育和健康户外运动 幌子

  • Recently US foundation AGAPE has repeatedly diverted unqualified medical instrument sometimes medical waste to China under the guise of donation presenting hidden danger to security and health .

    近期,美国 AGAPE基金会多次 捐赠 名义向我国转移不合格医疗器械,甚至医疗垃圾,存在重大的安全和健康隐患。

  • Under the guise of private enterprise merchants are able to move through enemy lands without drawing suspicion or committing a diplomatic transgression .

    私人企业 掩护 ,商人可自由进出敌国领土而不致遭受怀疑或引发外交纠纷。

  • Illicit flows of money are nothing new : China has long battled against speculators who sneak money past its strict capital controls under the guise of trade .

    资金非法流动的现象并不新鲜:中国长期以来一直在打击 假借贸易 名义、逃避其严格资本管制的投机者。

  • The thief came into the house under the guise of a repairman . Ms. Li takes her camera to a shop to have it repaired .

    那小偷 扮成个修理匠进了屋子。李小姐拿她的照相机到店中去修理。

  • Those that performed under the guise of legitimate acts conceal illegitimate purposes .

    合法形式 掩盖非法目的的。

  • Those who carry out law-breaking and conduct criminal activities under the guise of religion will be prosecuted according to law . The information age has opened the door to white-collar crime .

    对于 利用宗教进行违法犯罪活动者, 一律依法处理。信息时代为脑力劳动违法者(:指依靠智力和知识进行犯罪活动的人)开了大门。

  • 25 whomever the poorest of the poor are they are Christ for us-Christ under the guise of human suffering .

    穷人中的穷人,无论他们是谁,都是主给予我们的,那是主 伪装 人类苦难 之下

  • Additional doses of propaganda and possibly a biological event may equally convince populations to knowingly accept microchips inside of vaccines under the guise of a greater good for humanity .

    更多剂宣传,可能是一个生物性事件,在对人类而言一个“更大的好处” 欺骗 之下可能同样地说服人民有意识地接受疫苗当中的微型芯片。

  • The contractor may not assign in whole to any third person the contracted construction project or divide the whole contracted construction project into several parts and separately assign each part to a third person under the guise of sub-contracting .

    承包人不得将其承包的全部建设工程转包给第三人或者将其承包的全部建设工程肢解以后 分包 名义分别转包给第三人。

  • One of the robbers went under the guise of a postman .

    强盗之一 装扮 一个邮差。

  • Hundred Years of Solitude : The Reality Characterization under the Guise of Magic and Imagination

    《百年孤独》:魔幻与想象 外衣 的现实表征