The collapse of his health was brought on by undernourishment .
他的健康恶化是由 营养 不足 造成的。
Forty per cent of children under five in developing countries are short for their age because of undernourishment .
在发展中国家,5岁以下的孩子中有40%因为 营养 不良而 身高 偏低。
What with overwork and what with undernourishment his brother became very ill .
一方面因为工作过度,一 方面 因为 营养 不良,他哥哥病得很重。
Tea plant like growth in acidity soil the best pH between 4.0-6.5 but SHAN Dong soil pH is on the high side and that reducing some element validity witch caused the tea plant undernourishment .
茶树是喜酸性植物,最适宜pH值在4.0-6.5之间,而山东土壤pH值偏高,且由于pH值偏高导致部分元素有效性含量降低,使茶树 营养 不良。
While two-thirds of mankind suffers undernourishment our own upper classes revel amidst superfluous abundance .
三分之二的人类正苦于 营养 不良, 而我们自己的上流社会却穷奢极欲, 纸醉金迷。
Most of the cases occur in sub-Saharan Africa and southern Asia the regions with the highest rates of undernourishment and extreme poverty .
多数病例发生在非洲撒哈拉以南地区和南亚,这两个地区 营养 不足和极端贫困率最高。
A child 's immune system may be weakened by malnutrition or undernourishment especially in infants who are not exclusively breastfed .
营养不良或 营养 不足可使儿童免疫系统虚弱,尤其是在非完全母乳喂养的婴儿中。
What with overwork and what with undernourishment he became weaker and weaker .
“ 半因工作过度半 因 营养 不良,他越来越虚弱了。”
He had that pinched look which suggests poverty and undernourishment .
他消瘦的面容表明穷困和 营养 不良。