


  • Diffusion type samplers for collecting uncombined radon daughters

    用于收集 结合 氡子体的扩散型取样器

  • The locomotive adopts chopper main circuit of 4 uncombined phases and a control mode featuring accessory pulse generated firstly main pulse secondly and central phase shifting of the 4 phases . Special filter capacitor and commutating capacitor have also been made to fit the chopper .

    该车采用了4相 的斩波主电路和先 副脉冲、后 主脉冲及4相集中移相的控制方式,并特别 试制了适用于斩波的滤波电容器及换相电容器。

  • Feed it as well with unburned and uncombined foods because that which is simple and natural is best .

    同样, 摄取 没有烧过和 合成的食物,因为简单和自然是最好的。

  • Results The 5-year-survival rates were 78.5 % in the combined therapy group and 35.1 % in the uncombined therapy group .

    结果5年生存率:规律化疗组和非规律化疗组患者分别为78.5%和 35.2%

  • Respectively adding Cr Element there are uncombined graphite .

    单一添加Cr元素时,组织中有 化合石墨。

  • Native element : Any of the 19 chemical elements that occur as minerals and are found in nature uncombined with other elements .

    自然元素:以自然 状态存在于矿物中, 与其它元素 结合的十九种化学元素。

  • The level of total bilirubin and uncombined bilirubin in the serum and bile was raised .

    血清和胆汁中总胆红素、总 胆固醇游离胆红素、 结合胆红素及 离子的含量均有 不同 程度的变化;

  • Some metals such as gold are found in their native state & that is uncomBined with other dements .

    有些金属,如黄金,是以天然状态存在的,即 与其他元素 化合

  • This hybrid genetic back-propagation algorithm can speedup the convergence and avoid getting into local optimal solutions . When use it to classify a remote sensing image the result shows that it is superior to the corresponding uncombined versions in the convergence speed and classification accuracy .

    将此算法用于遥感图像分类,网络的训练速度及分类结果表明,该算法收敛速度 较快,预测精度较高。

  • The synthesized peptide was coupled with bovine serum albumin ( BSA ) by glutaral to dialyse the uncombined polypeptide and then mix with equal volume of Freund adjuvant at the 0 4th 6th and 8th weeks for immune managements in rats 4 rats one time .

    将合成肽用戊二醛与牛血清白蛋白偶联,透析除去 结合的多肽,与等体积的弗氏佐剂混匀后于 0周对大鼠进行免疫处理,4只/次。