Willful release of any unconfirmed information or public disclosure of inaccurate information .
任意发布 尚未 确定之消息或公开资料与事实不符者。
I didn 't want to be the first one to leak this for obvious reasons it 's still fairly unconfirmed .
因为某些原因,我不想成为第一个泄漏这些的人,它仍然还 没有 确认。
More than 7.3 million Chinese micro blog users had viewed the page containing Li 's unconfirmed retirement rumor on Sina Weibo China 's largest micro-blogging platform by Wednesday morning .
周三早晨,在中国最大的微博平台新浪微博上,包含 李娜退役传闻话题的网页点击量超过730万。
There are unconfirmed reports that two people have been shot in the neighbouring town of Lalitpur
Days after the first unconfirmed report of his death the opposition say they can now confirm that Khamis Gaddafi was killed .
在第一次 未 经 证实的报道哈米斯之死几天之后,反对派表示他们现在可以证实哈米斯•卡扎菲已被杀害。
While contamination in those exported products remains unconfirmed a recall has been ordered from China .
虽然尚未 证实这些出口产品受到污染,但中国已下令召回这些产品。
Unconfirmed online accounts said that at least two elementary schools had collapsed in the quake burying hundreds of students and that the bodies of three children had been recovered .
网上 未 经 证实 的 消息称,至少有两所小学在地震中坍塌,数百名学生被埋,目前已经发现了三具小孩的尸体。
The relatively small ( and unconfirmed ) number follows some vague promises from Beijing to other troubled eurozone countries .
做出这笔 金额相对较小(且 尚未 确认)的 投资之前,北京方面还向其他处境艰难的欧元区国家作出过一些语焉不详的承诺。
There are unconfirmed reports that the serial shootings in Washington area were committed by some veteran sniper .
未 经 证实的报道说,华盛顿地区的连环枪击案由某个退役狙击手所为。
That is a lot to hang on a single unconfirmed observation .
对于一个 未 被 证实的单一观测来说, 目前 已经背负了太多。
Unconfirmed reports say car bombs were detonated outside the offices of the state prosecutor and at the city 's food and drug agency ; a third blast hit a district administration office .
未 证实的报道称汽车炸弹袭击了政府检察院和区食品药物监督局,第三次爆炸发生在区政府。
There is unconfirmed report that our agent have is arrest .
未 确认的报告 说,我们代理人已被逮捕。
There have been reports of port closures and talk of Qaddafi blowing up oil installations to punish his enemies but those reports remain largely unconfirmed .
有报道称利比亚的一些港口已经封闭,还有人称卡扎菲引爆了一些石油设施,以“惩罚”他的敌人。不过这些报道大部分未 经 证实。
Demand for credit derivatives overwhelmed the existing largely manual dealer and market infrastructure leading to a large backlog of unconfirmed trades .
对信用衍生品的需求,让人工处理为主的现有交易商和市场基础设施应接不暇,导致 未 经 确认的交易大量积压。
We have unconfirmed reports of disaster at raccoon city .
我们收到了 未 经 证实的关于浣熊市事故的报告。
That could explain unconfirmed reports that government troops have begun to withdraw .
这或许可以解释 一些 未 经 证实的报道所说的政府军队已经开始撤退。
Revocable unconfirmed banker 's credit The Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee Issued by the Seller 's Bank
可撤销的银行 未 保兑信用证买方开立的不可撤销的保证函
The unconfirmed designations H-6K and H-6M have been used to describe versions with an enhanced missile armament capability .
未 经 证实 的 被指定为 H-6K和H-6M已经使用 被描述型号具有一个可提高的导弹装备能力。
One unconfirmed report said the damage was caused by someone who threw a burning object .
一份 未 经 正式的报道说,这次损坏是因为有人投掷了一个燃烧物体。
There are unconfirmed reports he tried to commit suicide .
有 未 经 证实的报道 说他曾企图自杀。
The health ministry said 40 people had dead in the protests and 1 injured although other unconfirmed reports put the death toll at more than 70 .
埃及卫生部表示,抗议活动中有40人丧生,1100人受伤,而 未 经 证实的其它报道称,死亡人数超过70。
There are unconfirmed reports of several small villages buried by mudslides .
据 未 经 证实的报道 说,几个小村庄被泥石流吞没了。
Many supposed risk factors for example alcohol consumption smoking and caffeine intake remain controversial or unconfirmed .
很多推测的危险因素,如酒精消费、吸烟及咖啡摄入,尚存争议及 不 确定 因素。
Upgraded anti-ship missiles can be used by modified versions of Chinese H-6'Badger'bombers according to unconfirmed reports .
升级的反舰导弹能被中国改进型H-6“獾”轰炸机使用,依照 未 经 证实的报告。
Xinhua says rumors that a civilian version of'Glorious Mission'would be unveiled in2012 remain unconfirmed by military authorities .
新华社说,此前流传的《光荣使命》“平民版”将在2012年推出的消息并未得到军方的 确认。
I 'm afraid I 'll have to ask you for payment in advance with it being an unconfirmed booking .
恐怕我得要求您预付,由于这是一个 没有 确认的登记。
While the work of clearing the backlog of unconfirmed credit derivative trades is well under way the group has more work to do in improving the post-trade processing system more broadly .
尽管清除 未 确认信用衍生品交易积压的工作正在进行之中,但在更广泛地改善交易后处理系统方面,这个集团还有更多工作要做。
That is the World Trade Center and we have unconfirmed reports this morning that a plane has crashed into one of the towers of the World Trade Center .
该处是世界贸易中心,我们今早已作 未 经 确定的报导,指一架飞机撞进了世贸中心其中一幢大厦。
It 's unconfirmed now whether he actually fired the weapon or not but at that point our tactical units moved in they shot the suspect .
现在 难以 证实他是否曾经动用武器,但是后来我们的战术人员采取了行动将嫌疑人击毙。