The conclusions are that scarce ungulate number strong human activities and fragmental habitats as a whole result in survival conditions deteriorative generally in these surveyed reserves .
总体结论为, 华南 虎栖息地 大型 有 蹄 类 动物数量少,人类活动强度大,栖息地生境破碎化严重,总体上所调查的保护区的 华南 虎生存条件严重恶化。
The Yanchiwan Natural Reserve situated in the southern of Subei County is a natural reserve for conserving wild animal especially for alpine ungulate .
甘肃盐池湾自然保护区是野生动物类型自然保护区,主要保护高山 有 蹄 类 动物。
Food Competition Between Asiatic Wild Ass and Domestic Ungulate in Winter
蒙古野驴与 草食 有 蹄 类 家畜冬季食物竞争的研究
Tibetan gazelle ( Procapra picticaudata ) belongs to Mammalia Artiodactyla Procapra . It is an ungulate owned only by Tibet Plateau . Now it is the second-class protected wild animal in China .
藏原羚(Procapra picticaudata)属于哺乳纲,偶蹄目,原羚属,是青藏高原特有的有 蹄 类动物,目前是被列入为我国二级野生保护名录。
This is the first time anyone in the world has made pluripotent stem cells from somatic cells ( as opposed to germline cells such as sperm and eggs ) from an ungulate ( an animal that has hooves ) .
这是首次有人 报道从 偶蹄 类 动物(即有偶数个蹄的动物)的体细胞(与生殖细胞如精子和卵子相对应)培育出多能干细胞。
Resource Selection Functions have become popular as subjects for studying the extent of ungulate habitat selection and some models are designed to improve the quality of experiments .
目前,资源选择函数被广泛 运 用于 栖息地 喜好程度的分析,并且人们发展了一些 量化的模型来改进这一实验方法。
Study methods and procedures for ungulate food habits
有 蹄 类食性研究方法及研究 进展
Hence assumptions that ungulate feeding ecology reflects the woody plant : grass composition of their habitats are not supported by our data nor was a relationship between diet and rainfall detected .
因此,我们的数据不支持 有 蹄 类 食性组成变化是由生境中木本与草本 比例 不同 造成的假说,食性与降雨量间也无明显的关系。
Change of Ungulate Species Resource in Gansu Yanchiwan Natural Reserve
甘肃盐池湾自然保护区 有 蹄 类 动物资源变化
Large inoffensive chiefly nocturnal ungulate of tropical America and southeast Asia having a heavy body and fleshy snout .
热带美洲和东南亚大型不伤害人、主要在夜间活动的 有 蹄 类 动物,体重、嘴部肉质丰满。
The environmental factors that influenced ungulate habitat selection are various with different seasonal and spatial scales .
在不同空间尺度上,影响 有 蹄 类栖息地选择的环境因素亦 不相同;
Cystic Echinococcosis ( CE ) is a serious disease caused by the larvae of Echinococcus granulosus living autoeciously in human and ungulate .
囊型包虫病是细粒棘球绦虫的幼虫寄生于人及 有 蹄 类 动物体内所致的一种严重的人畜共患病。
Soil erosion degradation of grassland insect and rodent destruction fossicking and excessive hunting were the primary factors which affected on the changes of the ungulate amount in Yanchiwan Natural Reserve .
水土流失、草场退化、虫鼠害猖獗、淘金与乱捕滥猎等是盐池湾自然保护区 有 蹄 类 动物数量变化的主要原因。
Working with iPS cells in this way also gives information that should make it easier to develop embryonic stem cells ( ES cells ) from pig or other ungulate embryos said the researchers .
研究者认为通过这种方法制造干细胞使得从猪或其他 偶蹄 类 动物胚胎中 提取胚胎干细胞(ES细胞)更容易。
The ungulate habitat selection can be examined in a variety of ways : the fixed plot method the mechanical plot method the trace-plot method .
国内外有 蹄 类栖息地的研究方法主要有固定样方法、机械样方法和痕迹样方法。
This is the first report in the world of the creation of domesticated ungulate pluripotent stem cells .
这是世界首次 培育 出驯化的 有 蹄 类 动物的多能干细胞。
美[ˈʌŋɡjəlɪt, -ˌlet]英[ˈʌŋgjʊlət]