That left last month 's unemployment rate unchanged .
这使得上个月的失业率 保持 不变。
Since Hong Kong 's return to China its previous capitalist system and way of life have remained unchanged .
香港回归祖国以来,原有的资本主义制度和生活方式继续 保持 不变。
In Paris and Milan the dollar opened almost unchanged .
在巴黎和米兰,美元开市时几乎 没有 变化。
In fact federal funding for IT research has remained unchanged or even reduced .
实际上,联邦机构对信息技术研究的投资一直 保持 不变或者说有所减少。
Despite our repeated criticisms he remains unchanged .
尽管我们一再批评,他还是 依然如故。
Though much of the ISBP remains unchanged certain adjustments have been made in the2007 version .
2007年版本的 ISBP保留了许多旧版的规定,但也作了一些调整。
Haystacks are bigger but the number of needles is largely unchanged .
招聘正确的人才就好比在干草垛里找针。干草垛变得更大了,但是针的数量很大程度上并 没有 改变。
It has remained virtually unchanged since time immemorial
实际上,自古以来它几乎没有 任何 改变 。
I hope your policy remain unchanged .
我希望你们之政策将保持 不变。
The diet should be maintained unchanged for about a year
这样的饮食应保持约一年 不变 。
The top three cities in the list are all unchanged from last year .
排行榜前三位的城市和去年 相比 没有 什么 变化。
We have solemnly promised that our policy towards Hong Kong will remain unchanged for 50 years after 1997 .
对香港的政策,我们承诺了一九九七年以后五十年 不变,这个承诺是郑重的。
The demands and supplies of all commodities will be unchanged .
所有商品的供给和需求都 不变。
This also guarantees a consistent presentation because the contents remain unchanged even when the design changes .
因为即使在设计发生变化时内容也可以保持 不变,所以这也保证了外观的一致性。
In July Belgium 's jobless rate was unchanged at 8.2 % of the workforce .
7月份,比利时的失业率 没有 发生 变化,仍占劳动人口的 8.2%。
The rest of the calculations ( and the conclusions ) remain unchanged .
其余的计算(和结论)都保持 不变。
BBC Television remains otherwise substantially unchanged .
而英国广播公司的电视节目在其他方面基本 没有 变化。
Everything remains unchanged .
一切 照旧。
For many years prices have remained virtually unchanged
价格多年来几乎没 变 。
This mode of investing has remained unchanged for the last 40 years .
这种投资模式在过去40年中一直 没有 发生 变化。
The original cube and view in the application are unchanged .
应用中的原始多维数据集和视图 不变。
Traditional crafts remain remarkably unchanged by the slow incursion of modern ways .
传统工艺继续保持原有的特色, 没有因现代化手段的缓慢引入而 改变。
In spite of the said change our commitment of development to the Chinese market remains unchanged .
尽管有上述改变,我们对中国市场持续发展的信心和承诺 不变。
This quarter 's reading is essentially unchanged from last quarter 's measure of3.43 .
比较上一季度的测量结果 3.43,这一季度的指标没有本质上的变化。
The incidence declined in2.7 % of the185 districts studied was unchanged in86.2 % and increased in9.6 % .
被研究的185个地区中,2.7%的登革热发病率出现了下降,86.2% 不变,9.6%上升。
Both prices and wages are rising leaving real wages unchanged .
由于物价和工资同时上涨,实际收入并 没有 变。
A ' Felucca ' is the traditional Nile sailboat unchanged since the time of the pharaohs .
Felucca是尼罗河地区的传统帆船,自法老时代起就 没有变过。
The area under the response curve will be unchanged .
响应曲线面积 没有 什么 变化。