It has unilaterally imposed a complete ban on trade with North Korea .
日本已 单方面完全禁止了对朝贸易。
In this context it may become necessary for key countries to move ahead unilaterally in specific areas .
在这样的背景下,关键国家可能有必要在特定领域 单方面推进这一过程。
Adopting pro-trade development policies of high-income countries unilaterally .
高收入国家 单方采取有利于贸易的发展政策。
Greece must also show that it is not abandoning austerity measures unilaterally .
希腊还必须证明,该国不会 单方面放弃紧缩举措。
Much has been said about Germany unilaterally deciding the future of Europe .
关于德国 单方面决定欧洲未来的问题,已经有了很多议论。
On22 May2000 Israel unilaterally completed its withdrawal from the south of Lebanon .
2000年5月22日,以色列 单方面从黎巴嫩南部撤出其兵队。
The Germans want to bring it to the group of 20 but they hesitate to do anything unilaterally .
德国希望把该问题提交到20国集团(g20),但它们不愿采取任何 单方面 行动。
It should all be done through the United Nations and not unilaterally by the United States .
这应该 交由联合国来做,而非由美国 单方面去做( 一意孤行)。
Programmers will unilaterally insert buck-passing code in these places almost without noticing it .
程序员将不知不觉 地 单方面 地在这些位置插入推卸责任的代码,这种趋势应当得到密切关注。
Come on I can 't unilaterally revoke the death penalty .
拜托,我不能 单方面废除死刑。
On the other hand Ireland acted unilaterally to back its banks this past week .
另一方面,爱尔兰上个星期 单独采取行动支持本国银行。
There are several reasons why the US may have acted unilaterally .
有几个理由说明美国为什么可能采取了 单边行动。
It unilaterally emphasized saving the nation by science could not save the nation ;
它 片面强调科学救国,但在旧中国,科学救不了国;
The US could act unilaterally .
美国可以 单方面采取行动。
Countries such as Japan Korea and Brazil are intervening unilaterally in currency markets .
日本、韩国和巴西等国正在外汇市场进行 单边干预。
What is to stop a new Greek government and a new parliament from unilaterally changing the agreement ?
什么能够阻止新一届希腊政府和议会 单方面更改协议呢?
Mexico responded unilaterally and aggressively to close schools and cancel events .
墨西哥 单方 面积极地关闭了学校并取消了一系列活动。
He unilaterally enlarged life 's scope to include a predominantly mechanical apparatus .
他 单方面扩大生命的范围使之包括了一个占统治地位的机械装置。
Neither side has the right to unilaterally restrict cardholders ' options for overseas payment channels .
任何一方都无权 单独对持卡人选择境外支付通道做出限制。
I will respect our trade agreements with our allies not unilaterally renounce them .
我尊重与我们盟友的贸易协议,不会 单方面中止协议。
Germany could do it unilaterally but the political damage to the European Union would be immense .
德国是可以 单边 退出的,但这么做会对欧盟(EU)造成巨大的政治损害。
What would happen if Greece cancelled the programme unilaterally ?
如果希腊 单方面取消上述计划,事情将会怎样?
Faced with opposition from the US Israel is unlikely to act unilaterally .
面对美国的反对,以色列不太可能 单方面采取行动。
He argues that if we unilaterally disarm then they will do likewise .
他认为要是我们 单方面裁减军备,他们也会跟着这样做。
Neither party may unilaterally modify the contract .
任何一方不得 擅自修改合同。
Western leaders have been right to sanction Russia for unilaterally redrawing international borders .
西方领导人因俄罗斯 单方面重新划定国际边界而给予制裁是正确的。
You cannot cancel the order unilaterally .
你们不能 单方面取消订货。
Commodity importers can also act unilaterally to reduce their vulnerability .
大宗商品进口国也可采取 单边 行动,以减小自身的脆弱性。